Datatype Properties

dtype:is invalid
fr-fin-ref:CRD Number
fro-cfr:Rule Text
fro-fin-ref:has Business Name
fro-fin-ref:has Incorporation Date
fro-fin-ref:has Report Field
fro-leg-ref:Component Identifier
fro-leg-ref:Component Name
fro-leg-ref:Component Text
fro-leg-ref:Sequence Number
fro-leg-ref:Title Text
iapd-sec-cr:Fax number
iapd-sec-cr:Firm Report Reference
iapd-sec-cr:Form Version
iapd-sec-cr:Generated on date
iapd-sec-cr:Phone Number
iapd-sec-cr:Postal Code
iapd-sec-cr:Private Address Field
iapd-sec-cr:Street line 1
iapd-sec-cr:Street line 2
iapd-sec-cr:Title name
pfrd-sec:amount owed
pfrd-sec:asset class other
pfrd-sec:assets daily liquid month1Amount
pfrd-sec:assets daily liquid month2Amount
pfrd-sec:assets daily liquid month3Amount
pfrd-sec:assets maturity greater397Days month1Amount
pfrd-sec:assets maturity greater397Days month2Amount
pfrd-sec:assets maturity greater397Days month3Amount
pfrd-sec:assets weekly liquid month1Amount
pfrd-sec:assets weekly liquid month2Amount
pfrd-sec:assets weekly liquid month3Amount
pfrd-sec:beneficially owned by banking institutions percent
pfrd-sec:beneficially owned by broker dealers percent
pfrd-sec:beneficially owned by foreign institutions percent
pfrd-sec:beneficially owned by government entities percent
pfrd-sec:beneficially owned by government pensions percent
pfrd-sec:beneficially owned by insurance companies percent
pfrd-sec:beneficially owned by investment companies percent
pfrd-sec:beneficially owned by non profits percent
pfrd-sec:beneficially owned by non USIntermediaries percent
pfrd-sec:beneficially owned by non USPersons percent
pfrd-sec:beneficially owned by others percent
pfrd-sec:beneficially owned by pension plans percent
pfrd-sec:beneficially owned by private funds percent
pfrd-sec:beneficially owned by top5Percent
pfrd-sec:beneficially owned by USPersons percent
pfrd-sec:borrowed amount maturity in days0To1Amount
pfrd-sec:borrowed amount maturity in days2To7Amount
pfrd-sec:borrowed amount maturity in days31To397Amount
pfrd-sec:borrowed amount maturity in days397More amount
pfrd-sec:borrowed amount maturity in days8To30Amount
pfrd-sec:borrowed from non USFinancial institution amount
pfrd-sec:borrowed from non USNon financial institution amount
pfrd-sec:borrowed from USFinancial institution amount
pfrd-sec:borrowed from USNon financial institution amount
pfrd-sec:borrowed total amount
pfrd-sec:borrowed total amount greater5Percent
pfrd-sec:c RDNumber
pfrd-sec:calculation method code other
pfrd-sec:city name
pfrd-sec:committed liquidity facilities amount
pfrd-sec:comply rule2a7Credit quality condition
pfrd-sec:comply rule2a7Diversification condition
pfrd-sec:comply rule2a7Liquidity condition
pfrd-sec:comply rule2a7Maturity condition
pfrd-sec:comply rule2a7Risk condition
pfrd-sec:confidence interval percent
pfrd-sec:convertible bonds month1
pfrd-sec:convertible bonds month2
pfrd-sec:convertible bonds month3
pfrd-sec:corporate bonds month1
pfrd-sec:corporate bonds month2
pfrd-sec:corporate bonds month3
pfrd-sec:cost based assets amount
pfrd-sec:cost based liabilities amount
pfrd-sec:counterparty affiliated institution other name
pfrd-sec:counterparty collateral cash
pfrd-sec:counterparty collateral posted
pfrd-sec:counterparty collateral securities
pfrd-sec:counterparty legal name
pfrd-sec:counterparty to fund collateral has rehyp pct
pfrd-sec:counterparty to fund collateral maybe rehyp pct
pfrd-sec:creditor other description
pfrd-sec:currency other text
pfrd-sec:derivatives positions value
pfrd-sec:drawn amount
pfrd-sec:email address
pfrd-sec:equity value in other funds
pfrd-sec:fair value level1Assets amount
pfrd-sec:fair value level1Liabilities amount
pfrd-sec:fair value level2Assets amount
pfrd-sec:fair value level2Liabilities amount
pfrd-sec:fair value level3Assets amount
pfrd-sec:fair value level3Liabilities amount
pfrd-sec:Firm Report Reference
pfrd-sec:fund ID
pfrd-sec:fund name
pfrd-sec:fund to counterparty collateral maybe rehyp pct
pfrd-sec:futures month1
pfrd-sec:futures month2
pfrd-sec:futures month3
pfrd-sec:gross asset value
pfrd-sec:has committed liquidity facilities
pfrd-sec:has derivatives positions
pfrd-sec:individual name
pfrd-sec:Investor Liquidity in days
pfrd-sec:investor liquidity in days0To1Percent
pfrd-sec:investor liquidity in days181To365Percent
pfrd-sec:investor liquidity in days2To7Percent
pfrd-sec:investor liquidity in days31To90Percent
pfrd-sec:investor liquidity in days365More percent
pfrd-sec:investor liquidity in days8To30Percent
pfrd-sec:investor liquidity in days91To180Percent
pfrd-sec:is CFTCFund
pfrd-sec:is master fund
pfrd-sec:is obligated to portfolio company
pfrd-sec:is parallel funds aggregated
pfrd-sec:l EI
pfrd-sec:large trader ID
pfrd-sec:large trader IDSuffix
pfrd-sec:legal name
pfrd-sec:listed equity month1
pfrd-sec:listed equity month2
pfrd-sec:listed equity month3
pfrd-sec:market factor long effect pct
pfrd-sec:market factor short effect pct
pfrd-sec:municipal bonds USState local month1
pfrd-sec:municipal bonds USState local month2
pfrd-sec:municipal bonds USState local month3
pfrd-sec:n AICSInvestment percent
pfrd-sec:n AVMonth1Amount
pfrd-sec:n AVMonth2Amount
pfrd-sec:n AVMonth3Amount
pfrd-sec:n AVPer share market based month1Amount
pfrd-sec:n AVPer share market based month2Amount
pfrd-sec:n AVPer share market based month3Amount
pfrd-sec:n AVPer share month1Amount
pfrd-sec:n AVPer share month2Amount
pfrd-sec:n AVPer share month3Amount
pfrd-sec:n AVPercent
pfrd-sec:n FAFirm ID
pfrd-sec:n FAFund ID
pfrd-sec:net asset value
pfrd-sec:net assets funds
pfrd-sec:net cash collateral month1Value
pfrd-sec:net cash collateral month2Value
pfrd-sec:net cash collateral month3Value
pfrd-sec:net other collateral month1Value
pfrd-sec:net other collateral month2Value
pfrd-sec:net other collateral month3Value
pfrd-sec:net securities collateral month1Value
pfrd-sec:net securities collateral month2Value
pfrd-sec:net securities collateral month3Value
pfrd-sec:non va RRisk metric other
pfrd-sec:number of investors beneficially own more5Percent
pfrd-sec:number of outstanding shares
pfrd-sec:obligated total value
pfrd-sec:other transaction percent
pfrd-sec:p FSection2b item BAdvise single hedge fund
pfrd-sec:parallel fund ID
pfrd-sec:parallel managed account value
pfrd-sec:percent equity purchased using securities lending collateral
pfrd-sec:percent NAVIn africa
pfrd-sec:percent NAVIn asia pacific
pfrd-sec:percent NAVIn brazil
pfrd-sec:percent NAVIn china
pfrd-sec:percent NAVIn europe EEA
pfrd-sec:percent NAVIn europe non EEA
pfrd-sec:percent NAVIn india
pfrd-sec:percent NAVIn japan
pfrd-sec:percent NAVIn middle east
pfrd-sec:percent NAVIn north america
pfrd-sec:percent NAVIn russia
pfrd-sec:percent NAVIn south america
pfrd-sec:percent NAVIn supranational
pfrd-sec:percent NAVIn US
pfrd-sec:person other name
pfrd-sec:portfolio company aggregate borrowings current
pfrd-sec:portfolio company aggregate borrowings long term
pfrd-sec:portfolio company aggregate borrowings PIKPercent
pfrd-sec:portfolio company aggregate gross asset value
pfrd-sec:portfolio company beneficially owned
pfrd-sec:portfolio company debt equity ratio
pfrd-sec:portfolio company debt equity ratio average
pfrd-sec:portfolio company debt equity ratio highest
pfrd-sec:portfolio company debt equity ratio lowest
pfrd-sec:portfolio company default flag
pfrd-sec:portfolio company financial industry flag
pfrd-sec:portfolio company gross asset value
pfrd-sec:portfolio company gross asset value invested percent
pfrd-sec:portfolio company has bridge loans
pfrd-sec:portfolio company invested amount
pfrd-sec:portfolio liquidatable in days Percent
pfrd-sec:portfolio liquidatable in days0To1Percent
pfrd-sec:portfolio liquidatable in days181To365Percent
pfrd-sec:portfolio liquidatable in days2To7Percent
pfrd-sec:portfolio liquidatable in days31To90Percent
pfrd-sec:portfolio liquidatable in days365More percent
pfrd-sec:portfolio liquidatable in days8To30Percent
pfrd-sec:portfolio liquidatable in days91To180Percent
pfrd-sec:postal code
pfrd-sec:provide withdrawal rights flag
pfrd-sec:question number
pfrd-sec:regulatory assets funds
pfrd-sec:reporting period end date
pfrd-sec:s ECNumber
pfrd-sec:seven day gross yield month1Amount
pfrd-sec:seven day gross yield month2Amount
pfrd-sec:seven day gross yield month3Amount
pfrd-sec:side pocket arrangement percent
pfrd-sec:signature date
pfrd-sec:sovereign bonds agency securities month1
pfrd-sec:sovereign bonds agency securities month2
pfrd-sec:sovereign bonds agency securities month3
pfrd-sec:sovereign bonds GSEBonds month1
pfrd-sec:sovereign bonds GSEBonds month2
pfrd-sec:sovereign bonds GSEBonds month3
pfrd-sec:sovereign bonds non USG10Countries month1
pfrd-sec:sovereign bonds non USG10Countries month2
pfrd-sec:sovereign bonds non USG10Countries month3
pfrd-sec:sovereign bonds other month1
pfrd-sec:sovereign bonds other month2
pfrd-sec:sovereign bonds other month3
pfrd-sec:sovereign bonds USTreasury month1
pfrd-sec:sovereign bonds USTreasury month2
pfrd-sec:sovereign bonds USTreasury month3
pfrd-sec:strategy capital percent
pfrd-sec:strategy checked
pfrd-sec:strategy NAVPercent
pfrd-sec:strategy other description
pfrd-sec:telephone number
pfrd-sec:time horizon days
pfrd-sec:top beneficially owned equity percent
pfrd-sec:total financing amount
pfrd-sec:total financing in days0To1Percent
pfrd-sec:total financing in days181To365Percent
pfrd-sec:total financing in days2To7Percent
pfrd-sec:total financing in days31To90Percent
pfrd-sec:total financing in days365More percent
pfrd-sec:total financing in days8To30Percent
pfrd-sec:total financing in days91To180Percent
pfrd-sec:total open positions month1
pfrd-sec:total open positions month2
pfrd-sec:total open positions month3
pfrd-sec:undrawn amount
pfrd-sec:unencumbered cash month1
pfrd-sec:unencumbered cash month2
pfrd-sec:unencumbered cash month3
pfrd-sec:use amortized cost method
pfrd-sec:use penny rounding method
pfrd-sec:va RCalculated regularly
pfrd-sec:va RMonth1Percent
pfrd-sec:va RMonth2Percent
pfrd-sec:va RMonth3Percent
pfrd-sec:w ALMonth1Amount
pfrd-sec:w ALMonth2Amount
pfrd-sec:w ALMonth3Amount
pfrd-sec:w AMMonth1Amount
pfrd-sec:w AMMonth2Amount
pfrd-sec:w AMMonth3Amount
pfrd-sec:weighted factor value
pfrd-sec:weighted method code other
pfrd-sec:withdrawal material restriction is subjected percent
pfrd-sec:withdrawal material restriction maybe subjected percent
pfrd-sec:withdrawal suspension is subjected percent
pfrd-sec:withdrawal suspension maybe subjected percent
vaem:release date