Ontology http://hedgefundontology.com/hfr/form/PFFormFiling.ttl

Jurgen Ziemer
Jayzed Data Models Inc. (only for additional classes, properties integrating the FINRA form into LKIF/HFR)
©2013 Financial Industry Regulatory Authority, Inc. (FINRA). All rights reserved.
owl:Ontology |
The classes in this ontology hold instances of raw filing data. The Hedge Fund Regulation ontology (HFR) uses the structures to:
a) Load filing data into semantic FIBO/HFR ontologies.
b) Populate forms from the Hedge Fund information in FIBO/HFR
The class PrivateFundFiling has all reverse engineered XSD elements and complex types as subclasses. The XSD is a flat structure. The hierarchy of sections, items, and questions is encapsulated as sub-elements of the complex type.
The ontology represents the hierarchy via class restrictions and Reference object properties:
The object property hasPrivateFundFormReference is a collection of sub properties, role named with names ending in “Ref”. The properties relate an instance to a referred (encapsulated in the XML) instance.
For example (subject-predicate-object): PFXMLFiling pFFundsRef PFXMLFiling-pFFunds
Navigates from the Filing instance to the instance with the Funds.
Class Restrictions define the allowed underlying classes and their cardinality. For the above example:
pfrd-sec:pFFundsRef max 1
pfrd-sec:pFFundsRef only pfrd-sec:PFXMLFiling-pFFunds
PFXMLFiling has no more than one Funds structure associated.
Created with TopBraid Composer from the XML Schema(s) http://hedgefundontology.com/hfr/form/PFFormFiling.ttl
An OWL representation of the Private Fund Form Filing XML schema.
The XML to OWL conversion rolenames properties, but does not restrict domain and range. For now, we just add this information to the property definition (for the most important properties). HFR will have domain and range defined, pending further testing in the future. The concern is of unintended side effects (= inferences) if the structure of the form changes or if we miss a property usage.
© 2016
Jayzed Data Models Inc. generated with TopBraid Composer
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