Class 'pfrd-sec:Hedge asset class CDType'

owl:Class |
Elements of this type represent the Asset Class Code for submitting Hedge fund positions.
Allowed values (code-description) are:
ABS_STRUCT_PRD_ABCP - ABS/structured products - ABCP
ABS_STRUCT_PRD_CDO - ABS/structured products - CDO/CLO
ABS_STRUCT_PRD_MBS - ABS/structured products - MBS
ABS_STRUCT_PRD_OABS - ABS/structured products - Other ABS
ABS_STRUCT_PRD_OSPRD - ABS/structured products - Other structured products
CNV_BND_FIN_INV_GD - Convertible bonds issued by financial institutions - Investment grade
CNV_BND_FIN_NINV_GD - Convertible bonds issued by financial institutions - Non-investment grade
CNV_BND_NFIN_INV_GD - Convertible bonds not issued by financial institutions - Investment grade
CNV_BND_NFIN_NINV_GD - Convertible bonds not issued by financial institutions - Non-investment grade
COMM_DER_CRUD_OIL - Commodities (derivatives) - Crude oil
COMM_DER_GOLD - Commodities (derivatives) - Gold
COMM_DER_NG - Commodities (derivatives) - Natural gas
COMM_DER_POW - Commodities (derivatives) - Power
COMM_DER_OTH_COMM - Commodities (derivatives) - Other commodities
COMM_PHY_CRUD_OIL - Commodities (physical) - Crude oil
COMM_PHY_GOLD - Commodities (physical) - Gold
COMM_PHY_NG - Commodities (physical) - Natural gas
COMM_PHY_OTH_COMM - Commodities (physical) - Other commodities
COMM_PHY_POW - Commodities (physical) - Power
CRD_DER_EXO_CDS - Credit derivatives - Exotic CDS
CRD_DER_IDX_CDS - Credit derivatives - Index CDS
CRD_DER_SNM_CDS - Credit derivatives - Single name CDS
CRP_BND_FIN_INV_GD - Corporate bonds issued by financial institutions (other than convertible bonds) - Investment grade
CRP_BND_FIN_NINV_GD - Corporate bonds issued by financial institutions (other than convertible bonds) - Non-investment grade
CRP_BND_NFIN_INV_GD - Corporate bonds not issued by financial institutions (other than convertible bonds) - Investment grade
CRP_BND_NFIN_NINV_GD - Corporate bonds not issued by financial institutions (other than convertible bonds) - Non-investment grade
DER_EXP_ULST_SEC_FIN - Derivative exposures to unlisted equities - Related to financial institutions
DER_EXP_ULST_SEC_OTH - Derivative exposures to unlisted equities - Other derivative exposures to unlisted equities
FX_DER_HDGE - Foreign exchange derivatives (hedging)
FX_DER_INV - Foreign exchange derivatives (investment)
INT_DER - Interest rate derivatives
INV_EXT_PVT_FNDS - Investments in external private funds
INV_FND_CSHMG_OTH_MM - Investments in funds for cash management purposes (other than money market funds)
INV_INT_PVT_FNDS - Investments in internal private funds
INV_OTH_SUB_ASST_CLS - Investments in other sub-asset classes
INV_REG_INV_COM - Investments in registered investment companies
LOAN_LVRG_LN - Loans - Leveraged loans
LOAN_OTH_LN_NO_REPO - Loans - Other loans (not including repos)
LST_EQT_DER_FIN - Listed equity derivatives - Related to financial institutions
LST_EQT_DER_OTH_DER - Listed equity derivatives - Other listed equity derivatives
LST_EQT_FIN - Listed equity - Issued by financial institutions
LST_EQT_OTH_LST_EQT - Listed equity - Other listed equity
NON_US_CURR_HLDNG - Non-U.S. currency holdings
OTHER - Other
OTH_DER - Other derivatives
PHYS_REAL_EST - Physical real estate
REPOS - Repos
SVRN_BMB_AS - Sovereign bonds and municipal bonds - Agency securities
SVRN_BMB_G10_NO_US - Sovereign bonds and municipal bonds - Sovereign bonds issued by G10 countries other than the U.S.
SVRN_BMB_GSE_BND - Sovereign bonds and municipal bonds - GSE bonds
SVRN_BMB_OTH_SUP_BND - Sovereign bonds and municipal bonds - Other sovereign bonds (including supranational bonds)
SVRN_BMB_US_ST_LCL - Sovereign bonds and municipal bonds - U.S. state and local bonds
SVRN_BMB_US_TRS - Sovereign bonds and municipal bonds - U.S. treasury securities
UNLST_EQT_FIN - Unlisted equity - Issued by financial institutions
UNLST_EQT_OTH_UNLST - Unlisted equity - Other unlisted equity
Hedge asset class CDType
dtype:value max 1
[pfrd-sec:ABS STRUCT PRD ABCP, pfrd-sec:ABS STRUCT PRD CDO, pfrd-sec:ABS STRUCT PRD MBS, pfrd-sec:ABS STRUCT PRD OABS, pfrd-sec:ABS STRUCT PRD OSPRD, pfrd-sec:CNV BND FIN INV GD, pfrd-sec:CNV BND FIN NINV GD, pfrd-sec:CNV BND NFIN INV GD, pfrd-sec:CNV BND NFIN NINV GD, pfrd-sec:COMM DER CRUD OIL, pfrd-sec:COMM DER GOLD, pfrd-sec:COMM DER NG, pfrd-sec:COMM DER OTH COMM, pfrd-sec:COMM DER POW, pfrd-sec:COMM PHY CRUD OIL, pfrd-sec:COMM PHY GOLD, pfrd-sec:COMM PHY NG, pfrd-sec:COMM PHY OTH COMM, pfrd-sec:COMM PHY POW, pfrd-sec:CRD DER EXO CDS, pfrd-sec:CRD DER IDX CDS, pfrd-sec:CRD DER SNM CDS, pfrd-sec:CRP BND FIN INV GD, pfrd-sec:CRP BND FIN NINV GD, pfrd-sec:CRP BND NFIN INV GD, pfrd-sec:CRP BND NFIN NINV GD, pfrd-sec:DER EXP ULST SEC FIN, pfrd-sec:DER EXP ULST SEC OTH, pfrd-sec:FX DER HDGE, pfrd-sec:FX DER INV, pfrd-sec:INT DER, pfrd-sec:INV EXT PVT FNDS, pfrd-sec:INV FND CSHMG OTH MM, pfrd-sec:INV INT PVT FNDS, pfrd-sec:INV OTH SUB ASST CLS, pfrd-sec:INV REG INV COM, pfrd-sec:LOAN LVRG LN, pfrd-sec:LOAN OTH LN NO REPO, pfrd-sec:LST EQT DER FIN, pfrd-sec:LST EQT DER OTH DER, pfrd-sec:LST EQT FIN, pfrd-sec:LST EQT OTH LST EQT, pfrd-sec:NON US CURR HLDNG, pfrd-sec:OTHER, pfrd-sec:OTH DER, pfrd-sec:PHYS REAL EST, pfrd-sec:REPOS, pfrd-sec:SVRN BMB AS, pfrd-sec:SVRN BMB G10 NO US, pfrd-sec:SVRN BMB GSE BND, pfrd-sec:SVRN BMB OTH SUP BND, pfrd-sec:SVRN BMB US ST LCL, pfrd-sec:SVRN BMB US TRS, pfrd-sec:UNLST EQT FIN, pfrd-sec:UNLST EQT OTH UNLST]
A class defined as the one of the allowed Hedge Fund Asset types.
Instances |
pfrd-sec:ABS STRUCT PRD ABCP, pfrd-sec:ABS STRUCT PRD CDO, pfrd-sec:ABS STRUCT PRD MBS, pfrd-sec:ABS STRUCT PRD OABS, pfrd-sec:ABS STRUCT PRD OSPRD, pfrd-sec:CNV BND FIN INV GD, pfrd-sec:CNV BND FIN NINV GD, pfrd-sec:CNV BND NFIN INV GD, pfrd-sec:CNV BND NFIN NINV GD, pfrd-sec:COMM DER CRUD OIL, pfrd-sec:COMM DER GOLD, pfrd-sec:COMM DER NG, pfrd-sec:COMM DER OTH COMM, pfrd-sec:COMM DER POW, pfrd-sec:COMM PHY CRUD OIL, pfrd-sec:COMM PHY GOLD, pfrd-sec:COMM PHY NG, pfrd-sec:COMM PHY OTH COMM, pfrd-sec:COMM PHY POW, pfrd-sec:CRD DER EXO CDS, pfrd-sec:CRD DER IDX CDS, pfrd-sec:CRD DER SNM CDS, pfrd-sec:CRP BND FIN INV GD, pfrd-sec:CRP BND FIN NINV GD, pfrd-sec:CRP BND NFIN INV GD, pfrd-sec:CRP BND NFIN NINV GD, pfrd-sec:DER EXP ULST SEC FIN, pfrd-sec:DER EXP ULST SEC OTH, pfrd-sec:FX DER HDGE, pfrd-sec:FX DER INV, pfrd-sec:INT DER, pfrd-sec:INV EXT PVT FNDS, pfrd-sec:INV FND CSHMG OTH MM, pfrd-sec:INV INT PVT FNDS, pfrd-sec:INV OTH SUB ASST CLS, pfrd-sec:INV REG INV COM, pfrd-sec:LOAN LVRG LN, pfrd-sec:LOAN OTH LN NO REPO, pfrd-sec:LST EQT DER FIN, pfrd-sec:LST EQT DER OTH DER, pfrd-sec:LST EQT FIN, pfrd-sec:LST EQT OTH LST EQT, pfrd-sec:NON US CURR HLDNG, pfrd-sec:OTH DER, pfrd-sec:OTHER, pfrd-sec:PHYS REAL EST, pfrd-sec:REPOS, pfrd-sec:SVRN BMB AS, pfrd-sec:SVRN BMB G10 NO US, pfrd-sec:SVRN BMB GSE BND, pfrd-sec:SVRN BMB OTH SUP BND, pfrd-sec:SVRN BMB US ST LCL, pfrd-sec:SVRN BMB US TRS, pfrd-sec:UNLST EQT FIN, pfrd-sec:UNLST EQT OTH UNLST |
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