Class 'pfrd-sec:PFSection1b item BFund asset type'

PFSection1b item BFund asset type
pfrd-sec:fair value level2Assets amount only pfrd-sec:Long restricted15Type datatype
pfrd-sec:fair value level3Liabilities amount max 1
pfrd-sec:beneficially owned by non USPersons percent only pfrd-sec:Percent type datatype
pfrd-sec:fair value level2Liabilities amount max 1
pfrd-sec:net asset value exactly 1
pfrd-sec:borrowed from USNon financial institution amount max 1
pfrd-sec:beneficially owned by non USIntermediaries percent exactly 1
pfrd-sec:beneficially owned by pension plans percent only pfrd-sec:Percent type datatype
pfrd-sec:cost based liabilities amount max 1
pfrd-sec:beneficially owned by government pensions percent exactly 1
pfrd-sec:borrowed from USFinancial institution amount only pfrd-sec:Percent type datatype
pfrd-sec:beneficially owned by investment companies percent exactly 1
pfrd-sec:has derivatives positions max 1
pfrd-sec:fair value level2Assets amount max 1
pfrd-sec:fair value level3Assets amount only pfrd-sec:Long restricted15Type datatype
pfrd-sec:beneficially owned by broker dealers percent exactly 1
pfrd-sec:fair value level3Assets amount max 1
pfrd-sec:beneficially owned by others percent only pfrd-sec:Percent type datatype
pfrd-sec:beneficially owned by foreign institutions percent only pfrd-sec:Percent type datatype
pfrd-sec:derivatives positions value only pfrd-sec:Unsigned long restricted15Type datatype
pfrd-sec:beneficially owned by insurance companies percent only pfrd-sec:Percent type datatype
pfrd-sec:beneficially owned by government pensions percent only pfrd-sec:Percent type datatype
pfrd-sec:cost based liabilities amount only pfrd-sec:Long restricted15Type datatype
pfrd-sec:beneficially owned by others percent exactly 1
pfrd-sec:beneficially owned by top5Percent only pfrd-sec:Percent type datatype
pfrd-sec:net asset value only pfrd-sec:Long restricted15Type datatype
pfrd-sec:beneficially owned by pension plans percent exactly 1
pfrd-sec:beneficially owned by private funds percent only pfrd-sec:Percent type datatype
pfrd-sec:fair value level1Liabilities amount max 1
pfrd-sec:beneficially owned by government entities percent only pfrd-sec:Percent type datatype
pfrd-sec:parallel managed account value only pfrd-sec:Long restricted15Type datatype
pfrd-sec:borrowed total amount max 1
pfrd-sec:fund ID exactly 1
pfrd-sec:gross asset value only pfrd-sec:Long restricted15Type datatype
pfrd-sec:beneficially owned by banking institutions percent only pfrd-sec:Percent type datatype
pfrd-sec:fair value level1Assets amount only pfrd-sec:Long restricted15Type datatype
pfrd-sec:beneficially owned by non profits percent only pfrd-sec:Percent type datatype
pfrd-sec:parallel managed account value exactly 1
pfrd-sec:cost based assets amount only pfrd-sec:Long restricted15Type datatype
pfrd-sec:beneficially owned by private funds percent exactly 1
pfrd-sec:beneficially owned by USPersons percent exactly 1
pfrd-sec:borrowed from non USNon financial institution amount max 1
pfrd-sec:borrowed total amount only pfrd-sec:Unsigned long restricted15Type datatype
pfrd-sec:fair value level2Liabilities amount only pfrd-sec:Long restricted15Type datatype
pfrd-sec:beneficially owned by top5Percent exactly 1
pfrd-sec:beneficially owned by non USPersons percent exactly 1
pfrd-sec:beneficially owned by USPersons percent only pfrd-sec:Percent type datatype
pfrd-sec:equity value in other funds exactly 1
pfrd-sec:equity value in other funds only pfrd-sec:Long restricted15Type datatype
pfrd-sec:gross asset value exactly 1
pfrd-sec:beneficially owned by broker dealers percent only pfrd-sec:Percent type datatype
pfrd-sec:fair value level1Assets amount max 1
pfrd-sec:Private Fund Filing
pfrd-sec:fund ID only pfrd-sec:Fund IDType datatype
pfrd-sec:fair value level1Liabilities amount only pfrd-sec:Long restricted15Type datatype
pfrd-sec:beneficially owned by foreign institutions percent exactly 1
pfrd-sec:borrowed from USNon financial institution amount only pfrd-sec:Percent type datatype
pfrd-sec:cost based assets amount max 1
pfrd-sec:borrowed from USFinancial institution amount max 1
pfrd-sec:beneficially owned by non USIntermediaries percent only pfrd-sec:Percent type datatype
pfrd-sec:borrowed from non USFinancial institution amount max 1
pfrd-sec:has derivatives positions only xsd:boolean
pfrd-sec:beneficially owned by non profits percent exactly 1
pfrd-sec:fair value level3Liabilities amount only pfrd-sec:Long restricted15Type datatype
pfrd-sec:beneficially owned by insurance companies percent exactly 1
pfrd-sec:beneficially owned by banking institutions percent exactly 1
pfrd-sec:beneficially owned by investment companies percent only pfrd-sec:Percent type datatype
pfrd-sec:beneficially owned by government entities percent exactly 1
pfrd-sec:borrowed from non USFinancial institution amount only pfrd-sec:Percent type datatype
pfrd-sec:derivatives positions value max 1
pfrd-sec:borrowed from non USNon financial institution amount only pfrd-sec:Percent type datatype
The Fund Asset Type class has information about the funds reported by the firm.The The filing has an instance of this class for each fund. Main categories of Asset information are beneficially ownerships, borrowings, derivatives, and fair value,

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