PFSection2aItemAHedgeFundAggregatedAssetsExposurePart2Type |
owl:Class |
The reference targets are a class structure of 6 risk measures: |
PFSection2a item AHedge fund aggregated assets exposure part2Type |
pfrd-sec:structured products MBSMeasure ref only pfrd-sec:PFSection2a item AHedge fund aggregated assets exposure item measure type |
pfrd-sec:repos measure ref max 1 |
pfrd-sec:loans leveraged ref only pfrd-sec:PFSection2a item AHedge fund aggregated assets exposure item non measure type |
pfrd-sec:structured products CDOCLORef only pfrd-sec:PFSection2a item AHedge fund aggregated assets exposure item non measure type |
pfrd-sec:structured products ABCPMeasure ref max 1 |
pfrd-sec:sovereign bonds agency securities measure ref max 1 |
pfrd-sec:loans other ref max 1 |
pfrd-sec:structured products other ref max 1 |
pfrd-sec:loans leveraged measure ref only pfrd-sec:PFSection2a item AHedge fund aggregated assets exposure item measure type |
pfrd-sec:loans other measure ref only pfrd-sec:PFSection2a item AHedge fund aggregated assets exposure item measure type |
pfrd-sec:sovereign bonds non USG10Countries measure ref only pfrd-sec:PFSection2a item AHedge fund aggregated assets exposure item measure type |
pfrd-sec:sovereign bonds agency securities measure ref only pfrd-sec:PFSection2a item AHedge fund aggregated assets exposure item measure type |
pfrd-sec:Private Fund Filing |
pfrd-sec:sovereign bonds non USG10Countries ref only pfrd-sec:PFSection2a item AHedge fund aggregated assets exposure item non measure type |
pfrd-sec:municipal bonds USState local measure ref max 1 |
pfrd-sec:municipal bonds USState local ref only pfrd-sec:PFSection2a item AHedge fund aggregated assets exposure item non measure type |
pfrd-sec:sovereign bonds non USG10Countries ref max 1 |
pfrd-sec:sovereign bonds agency securities ref only pfrd-sec:PFSection2a item AHedge fund aggregated assets exposure item non measure type |
pfrd-sec:structured products MBSMeasure ref max 1 |
pfrd-sec:sovereign bonds other measure ref only pfrd-sec:PFSection2a item AHedge fund aggregated assets exposure item measure type |
pfrd-sec:sovereign bonds other measure ref max 1 |
pfrd-sec:loans other ref only pfrd-sec:PFSection2a item AHedge fund aggregated assets exposure item non measure type |
pfrd-sec:repos ref max 1 |
pfrd-sec:structured products other ABSRef only pfrd-sec:PFSection2a item AHedge fund aggregated assets exposure item non measure type |
pfrd-sec:structured products other ABSRef max 1 |
pfrd-sec:structured products ABCPRef max 1 |
pfrd-sec:sovereign bonds agency securities ref max 1 |
pfrd-sec:sovereign bonds non USG10Countries measure ref max 1 |
pfrd-sec:loans leveraged measure ref max 1 |
pfrd-sec:sovereign bonds USTreasury securities ref max 1 |
pfrd-sec:structured products other ABSMeasure ref only pfrd-sec:PFSection2a item AHedge fund aggregated assets exposure item measure type |
pfrd-sec:loans leveraged ref max 1 |
pfrd-sec:sovereign bonds GSEBonds measure ref max 1 |
pfrd-sec:sovereign bonds USTreasury securities measure ref max 1 |
pfrd-sec:municipal bonds USState local measure ref only pfrd-sec:PFSection2a item AHedge fund aggregated assets exposure item measure type |
pfrd-sec:structured products other ABSMeasure ref max 1 |
pfrd-sec:structured products MBSRef max 1 |
pfrd-sec:structured products MBSRef only pfrd-sec:PFSection2a item AHedge fund aggregated assets exposure item non measure type |
pfrd-sec:sovereign bonds other ref max 1 |
pfrd-sec:sovereign bonds GSEBonds ref only pfrd-sec:PFSection2a item AHedge fund aggregated assets exposure item non measure type |
pfrd-sec:structured products other ref only pfrd-sec:PFSection2a item AHedge fund aggregated assets exposure item non measure type |
pfrd-sec:loans other measure ref max 1 |
pfrd-sec:repos measure ref only pfrd-sec:PFSection2a item AHedge fund aggregated assets exposure item measure type |
pfrd-sec:sovereign bonds other ref only pfrd-sec:PFSection2a item AHedge fund aggregated assets exposure item non measure type |
pfrd-sec:sovereign bonds USTreasury securities ref only pfrd-sec:PFSection2a item AHedge fund aggregated assets exposure item non measure type |
pfrd-sec:structured products ABCPRef only pfrd-sec:PFSection2a item AHedge fund aggregated assets exposure item non measure type |
pfrd-sec:structured products CDOCLOMeasure ref max 1 |
pfrd-sec:sovereign bonds GSEBonds ref max 1 |
pfrd-sec:repos ref only pfrd-sec:PFSection2a item AHedge fund aggregated assets exposure item non measure type |
pfrd-sec:structured products ABCPMeasure ref only pfrd-sec:PFSection2a item AHedge fund aggregated assets exposure item measure type |
pfrd-sec:sovereign bonds USTreasury securities measure ref only pfrd-sec:PFSection2a item AHedge fund aggregated assets exposure item measure type |
pfrd-sec:municipal bonds USState local ref max 1 |
pfrd-sec:structured products CDOCLORef max 1 |
pfrd-sec:sovereign bonds GSEBonds measure ref only pfrd-sec:PFSection2a item AHedge fund aggregated assets exposure item measure type |
pfrd-sec:structured products CDOCLOMeasure ref only pfrd-sec:PFSection2a item AHedge fund aggregated assets exposure item measure type |
The class defines the struture of Part 2 of the Form PF section 2 Hedge Fund Aggregate Exposure. Role named reference object properties point to exposure measures for loans, bonds, ABS, MBS, and CDO. |
References | |
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