Class 'pfrd-sec:PFSection2b item DHedge fund financing borrowing type'

PFSection2b item DHedge fund financing borrowing type
pfrd-sec:secured borrowing reverse repo other non USCreditors percent ref exactly 1
pfrd-sec:secured borrowing other other USCreditors percent ref only pfrd-sec:Finance borrowing item3p type
pfrd-sec:secured borrowing other USFinancial institution percent ref only pfrd-sec:Finance borrowing item3p type
pfrd-sec:unsecured borrowing other non USCreditors percent ref only pfrd-sec:Finance borrowing item3p type
pfrd-sec:secured borrowing reverse repo securities collateral amount ref only pfrd-sec:Finance borrowing item16p type
pfrd-sec:secured borrowing reverse repo amount ref only pfrd-sec:Finance borrowing item15p type
pfrd-sec:unsecured borrowing amount ref only pfrd-sec:Finance borrowing item15p type
pfrd-sec:secured borrowing other cash collateral amount ref only pfrd-sec:Finance borrowing item16p type
pfrd-sec:secured borrowing reverse repo amount ref exactly 1
pfrd-sec:secured borrowing prime brokerage other non USCreditors percent ref only pfrd-sec:Finance borrowing item3p type
pfrd-sec:secured borrowing prime brokerage other collateral amount ref only pfrd-sec:Finance borrowing item16p type
pfrd-sec:secured borrowing other other collateral amount ref exactly 1
pfrd-sec:secured borrowing reverse repo non USFinancial institution percent ref exactly 1
pfrd-sec:secured borrowing prime brokerage other collateral amount ref exactly 1
pfrd-sec:unsecured borrowing non USFinancial institution percent ref exactly 1
pfrd-sec:unsecured borrowing USFinancial institution percent ref exactly 1
pfrd-sec:secured borrowing prime brokerage non USFinancial institution percent ref only pfrd-sec:Finance borrowing item3p type
pfrd-sec:Private Fund Filing
pfrd-sec:secured borrowing other other non USCreditors percent ref only pfrd-sec:Finance borrowing item3p type
pfrd-sec:secured borrowing other non USFinancial institution percent ref exactly 1
pfrd-sec:unsecured borrowing non USFinancial institution percent ref only pfrd-sec:Finance borrowing item3p type
pfrd-sec:secured borrowing reverse repo other USCreditors percent ref exactly 1
pfrd-sec:secured borrowing reverse repo other USCreditors percent ref only pfrd-sec:Finance borrowing item3p type
pfrd-sec:fund ID only pfrd-sec:Fund IDType datatype
pfrd-sec:unsecured borrowing other USCreditors percent ref exactly 1
pfrd-sec:secured borrowing prime brokerage other USCreditors percent ref exactly 1
pfrd-sec:secured borrowing other amount ref exactly 1
pfrd-sec:secured borrowing other cash collateral amount ref exactly 1
pfrd-sec:secured borrowing prime brokerage USFinancial institution percent ref only pfrd-sec:Finance borrowing item3p type
pfrd-sec:secured borrowing prime brokerage securities collateral amount ref exactly 1
pfrd-sec:secured borrowing reverse repo cash collateral amount ref only pfrd-sec:Finance borrowing item16p type
pfrd-sec:secured borrowing prime brokerage non USFinancial institution percent ref exactly 1
pfrd-sec:secured borrowing other other non USCreditors percent ref exactly 1
pfrd-sec:secured borrowing other other collateral amount ref only pfrd-sec:Finance borrowing item16p type
pfrd-sec:secured borrowing reverse repo USFinancial institution percent ref only pfrd-sec:Finance borrowing item3p type
pfrd-sec:secured borrowing prime brokerage amount ref exactly 1
pfrd-sec:secured borrowing other other USCreditors percent ref exactly 1
pfrd-sec:unsecured borrowing USFinancial institution percent ref only pfrd-sec:Finance borrowing item3p type
pfrd-sec:secured borrowing prime brokerage securities collateral amount ref only pfrd-sec:Finance borrowing item16p type
pfrd-sec:secured borrowing prime brokerage cash collateral amount ref only pfrd-sec:Finance borrowing item16p type
pfrd-sec:secured borrowing prime brokerage USFinancial institution percent ref exactly 1
pfrd-sec:unsecured borrowing other non USCreditors percent ref exactly 1
pfrd-sec:secured borrowing reverse repo other non USCreditors percent ref only pfrd-sec:Finance borrowing item3p type
pfrd-sec:secured borrowing reverse repo non USFinancial institution percent ref only pfrd-sec:Finance borrowing item3p type
pfrd-sec:unsecured borrowing other USCreditors percent ref only pfrd-sec:Finance borrowing item3p type
pfrd-sec:secured borrowing prime brokerage other non USCreditors percent ref exactly 1
pfrd-sec:secured borrowing prime brokerage amount ref only pfrd-sec:Finance borrowing item15p type
pfrd-sec:secured borrowing reverse repo securities collateral amount ref exactly 1
pfrd-sec:secured borrowing other securities collateral amount ref only pfrd-sec:Finance borrowing item16p type
pfrd-sec:secured borrowing reverse repo cash collateral amount ref exactly 1
pfrd-sec:secured borrowing other USFinancial institution percent ref exactly 1
pfrd-sec:unsecured borrowing amount ref exactly 1
pfrd-sec:secured borrowing reverse repo USFinancial institution percent ref exactly 1
pfrd-sec:secured borrowing other non USFinancial institution percent ref only pfrd-sec:Finance borrowing item3p type
pfrd-sec:secured borrowing prime brokerage cash collateral amount ref exactly 1
pfrd-sec:fund ID exactly 1
pfrd-sec:secured borrowing other securities collateral amount ref exactly 1
pfrd-sec:secured borrowing other amount ref only pfrd-sec:Finance borrowing item15p type
pfrd-sec:secured borrowing prime brokerage other USCreditors percent ref only pfrd-sec:Finance borrowing item3p type
pfrd-sec:secured borrowing reverse repo other collateral amount ref only pfrd-sec:Finance borrowing item16p type
pfrd-sec:secured borrowing reverse repo other collateral amount ref exactly 1
The class for reporting on the Hedge Fund's Financing by Borrowing type. Secured Borrowing is has references to colateral, prime brokerage, US- and non US creditors. Unsecured Lending also breaks down by creditor type. The refered target classes generally have data properties for the 3 month in the reported quarter.

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