Class 'pfrd-sec:PFSection2b item DHedge fund financing derivatives liquidity type'

PFSection2b item DHedge fund financing derivatives liquidity type
pfrd-sec:net mark to market month2Value ref exactly 1
pfrd-sec:net securities collateral month3Value only pfrd-sec:Decimal restricted15p0Type datatype
pfrd-sec:net securities collateral month1Value exactly 1
pfrd-sec:net mark to market month1Value ref exactly 1
pfrd-sec:total financing in days31To90Percent only pfrd-sec:Unsigned decimal restricted15p4Type datatype
pfrd-sec:net other collateral month1Value exactly 1
pfrd-sec:net mark to market month2Value ref only pfrd-sec:Decimal NAEx restricted15p0Type
pfrd-sec:net cash collateral month1Value exactly 1
pfrd-sec:net securities collateral month1Value only pfrd-sec:Decimal restricted15p0Type datatype
pfrd-sec:total financing in days8To30Percent max 1
pfrd-sec:net other collateral month2Value exactly 1
pfrd-sec:derivatives positions month1Value ref only pfrd-sec:Unsigned decimal NAEx restricted15p0Type
pfrd-sec:net mark to market month1Value ref only pfrd-sec:Decimal NAEx restricted15p0Type
pfrd-sec:total financing in days91To180Percent only pfrd-sec:Unsigned decimal restricted15p4Type datatype
pfrd-sec:fund ID only pfrd-sec:Fund IDType datatype
pfrd-sec:net cash collateral month2Value exactly 1
pfrd-sec:net cash collateral month3Value only pfrd-sec:Decimal restricted15p0Type datatype
pfrd-sec:net other collateral month3Value exactly 1
pfrd-sec:fund ID exactly 1
pfrd-sec:total financing amount exactly 1
pfrd-sec:total financing in days0To1Percent only pfrd-sec:Unsigned decimal restricted15p4Type datatype
pfrd-sec:total financing in days31To90Percent max 1
pfrd-sec:total financing in days91To180Percent max 1
pfrd-sec:derivatives positions month2Value ref max 1
pfrd-sec:total financing in days181To365Percent only pfrd-sec:Unsigned decimal restricted15p4Type datatype
pfrd-sec:net other collateral month2Value only pfrd-sec:Decimal restricted15p0Type datatype
pfrd-sec:derivatives positions month2Value ref only pfrd-sec:Unsigned decimal NAEx restricted15p0Type
pfrd-sec:net securities collateral month2Value only pfrd-sec:Decimal restricted15p0Type datatype
pfrd-sec:Private Fund Filing
pfrd-sec:total financing in days365More percent max 1
pfrd-sec:total financing in days2To7Percent max 1
pfrd-sec:total financing in days0To1Percent max 1
pfrd-sec:total financing amount only pfrd-sec:Unsigned decimal restricted15p0Type datatype
pfrd-sec:total financing in days365More percent only pfrd-sec:Unsigned decimal restricted15p4Type datatype
pfrd-sec:net cash collateral month3Value exactly 1
pfrd-sec:net other collateral month1Value only pfrd-sec:Decimal restricted15p0Type datatype
pfrd-sec:total financing in days2To7Percent only pfrd-sec:Unsigned decimal restricted15p4Type datatype
pfrd-sec:net cash collateral month1Value only pfrd-sec:Decimal restricted15p0Type datatype
pfrd-sec:derivatives positions month1Value ref max 1
pfrd-sec:derivatives positions month3Value ref max 1
pfrd-sec:net mark to market month3Value ref exactly 1
pfrd-sec:net securities collateral month2Value exactly 1
pfrd-sec:net other collateral month3Value only pfrd-sec:Decimal restricted15p0Type datatype
pfrd-sec:derivatives positions month3Value ref only pfrd-sec:Unsigned decimal NAEx restricted15p0Type
pfrd-sec:net cash collateral month2Value only pfrd-sec:Decimal restricted15p0Type datatype
pfrd-sec:total financing in days181To365Percent max 1
pfrd-sec:total financing in days8To30Percent only pfrd-sec:Unsigned decimal restricted15p4Type datatype
pfrd-sec:net securities collateral month3Value exactly 1
pfrd-sec:net mark to market month3Value ref only pfrd-sec:Decimal NAEx restricted15p0Type

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