PFSection3ItemDLiquidityInvestorInfoType |
owl:Class |
PFSection3Item DLiquidity investor info type |
pfrd-sec:investor liquidity in days2To7Percent exactly 1 |
pfrd-sec:investor liquidity in days365More percent exactly 1 |
pfrd-sec:investor liquidity in days31To90Percent exactly 1 |
pfrd-sec:fund ID exactly 1 |
pfrd-sec:withdrawal material restriction maybe subjected percent only pfrd-sec:Percent type datatype |
pfrd-sec:withdrawal material restriction is subjected percent only pfrd-sec:Percent type datatype |
pfrd-sec:number of investors beneficially own more5Percent exactly 1 |
pfrd-sec:investor liquidity in days0To1Percent only pfrd-sec:Unsigned decimal restricted15p4Type datatype |
pfrd-sec:top beneficially owned equity percent only pfrd-sec:Percent type datatype |
pfrd-sec:withdrawal suspension is subjected percent exactly 1 |
pfrd-sec:Private Fund Filing |
pfrd-sec:investor liquidity in days91To180Percent only pfrd-sec:Unsigned decimal restricted15p4Type datatype |
pfrd-sec:withdrawal suspension is subjected percent only pfrd-sec:Percent type datatype |
pfrd-sec:investor liquidity in days365More percent only pfrd-sec:Unsigned decimal restricted15p4Type datatype |
pfrd-sec:number of outstanding shares only pfrd-sec:Unsigned long restricted15Type datatype |
pfrd-sec:fund ID only pfrd-sec:Fund IDType datatype |
pfrd-sec:withdrawal material restriction maybe subjected percent exactly 1 |
pfrd-sec:withdrawal material restriction is subjected percent exactly 1 |
pfrd-sec:percent equity purchased using securities lending collateral only pfrd-sec:Percent type datatype |
pfrd-sec:withdrawal suspension maybe subjected percent only pfrd-sec:Percent type datatype |
pfrd-sec:top beneficially owned equity percent exactly 1 |
pfrd-sec:percent equity purchased using securities lending collateral exactly 1 |
pfrd-sec:number of outstanding shares exactly 1 |
pfrd-sec:investor liquidity in days8To30Percent exactly 1 |
pfrd-sec:withdrawal suspension maybe subjected percent exactly 1 |
pfrd-sec:number of investors beneficially own more5Percent only pfrd-sec:Unsigned long restricted15Type datatype |
pfrd-sec:investor liquidity in days31To90Percent only pfrd-sec:Unsigned decimal restricted15p4Type datatype |
pfrd-sec:investor liquidity in days0To1Percent exactly 1 |
pfrd-sec:investor liquidity in days8To30Percent only pfrd-sec:Unsigned decimal restricted15p4Type datatype |
pfrd-sec:investor liquidity in days181To365Percent exactly 1 |
pfrd-sec:investor liquidity in days2To7Percent only pfrd-sec:Unsigned decimal restricted15p4Type datatype |
pfrd-sec:investor liquidity in days181To365Percent only pfrd-sec:Unsigned decimal restricted15p4Type datatype |
pfrd-sec:investor liquidity in days91To180Percent exactly 1 |
The fund's investor liquidity reports the percentage of Net Asset Value that can be withdrawn within the day-brackets. |
References | |
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