Class 'pfrd-sec:PFSection4Item BPrivate equity financing financial company type'

Elements of this type represent Q76(b) For each of the reporting fund's controlled portfolio companies that constitutes a financial industry portfolio company, provide the following information.
PFSection4Item BPrivate equity financing financial company type
pfrd-sec:city name exactly 1
pfrd-sec:portfolio company beneficially owned only pfrd-sec:Percent type datatype
pfrd-sec:street2Name only pfrd-sec:String restricted50Type datatype
pfrd-sec:country code ref only pfrd-sec:Country code type
pfrd-sec:n AICSCode ref only pfrd-sec:NAICSCode type
pfrd-sec:state code ref only pfrd-sec:State code type
pfrd-sec:l EI max 1
pfrd-sec:portfolio company debt equity ratio exactly 1
pfrd-sec:postal code only pfrd-sec:String restricted11Type datatype
pfrd-sec:legal name only pfrd-sec:String restricted256Type datatype
pfrd-sec:portfolio company beneficially owned exactly 1
pfrd-sec:city name only pfrd-sec:String restricted50Type datatype
pfrd-sec:street2Name max 1
pfrd-sec:portfolio company gross asset value invested percent exactly 1
pfrd-sec:street1Name exactly 1
pfrd-sec:postal code max 1
pfrd-sec:n AICSCode ref exactly 1
pfrd-sec:portfolio company debt equity ratio only pfrd-sec:Decimal restricted15p1Type datatype
pfrd-sec:portfolio company gross asset value invested percent only pfrd-sec:Percent type datatype
pfrd-sec:street1Name only pfrd-sec:String restricted50Type datatype
pfrd-sec:legal name exactly 1
pfrd-sec:l EI only pfrd-sec:LEIType datatype
pfrd-sec:Private Fund Filing
pfrd-sec:portfolio company gross asset value only pfrd-sec:Long restricted15Type datatype
pfrd-sec:state code ref max 1
pfrd-sec:country code ref exactly 1
pfrd-sec:portfolio company gross asset value exactly 1
The Private Equity Financing Company type class has an instance for every portfolio company. Details are identifying, address and portfolio information.

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