- as rdfs:subClassOf (pfrd-sec:Private Fund Filing)
- as rdfs:subPropertyOf (pfrd-sec:listed equity derivatives related to financial institutions ref, pfrd-sec:sovereign bonds USTreasury securities measure ref, pfrd-sec:non va RRisk metric code ref, pfrd-sec:commodities physical power ref, pfrd-sec:counterparty exposure ref, pfrd-sec:cash equivalents money market funds ref, pfrd-sec:corporate bonds not issued by financial institutions other than convertible bonds non investment grade measure ref, pfrd-sec:secured borrowing prime brokerage other USCreditors percent ref, pfrd-sec:PF Section 1 item reference, pfrd-sec:corporate bonds issued by financial institutions other than convertible bonds investment grade ref, pfrd-sec:parallel funds ref, pfrd-sec:secured borrowing reverse repo non USFinancial institution percent ref, pfrd-sec:secured borrowing prime brokerage other non USCreditors percent ref, pfrd-sec:liquidity exposure in days reference, pfrd-sec:secured borrowing other USFinancial institution percent ref, pfrd-sec:hedge fund market factor effect ref, pfrd-sec:investments other sub assets ref, pfrd-sec:liquidity fund positions month two ref, pfrd-sec:counterparty type ref, pfrd-sec:secured borrowing reverse repo cash collateral amount ref, pfrd-sec:secured borrowing prime brokerage amount ref, pfrd-sec:listed equity issued by financial institutions ref, pfrd-sec:physical real estate ref, pfrd-sec:financing loans ref, pfrd-sec:counter parties percent ref, pfrd-sec:last fiscal date month10Ref, pfrd-sec:secured borrowing other securities collateral amount ref, pfrd-sec:secured borrowing reverse repo USFinancial institution percent ref, pfrd-sec:net mark to market month3Value ref, pfrd-sec:historical lookback period years ref, pfrd-sec:structured products other ABSRef, pfrd-sec:structured products CDOCLOMeasure ref, pfrd-sec:interest rate derivatives ref, pfrd-sec:convertible bonds issued by financial institutions investment grade measure ref, pfrd-sec:n AICSCode ref, pfrd-sec:month2SVRef, pfrd-sec:derivative exposures to unlisted equities other derivative exposures to unlisted equities ref, pfrd-sec:c FTCFund ref, pfrd-sec:structured products ABCPRef, pfrd-sec:loans leveraged ref, pfrd-sec:liquidity fund positions month three ref, pfrd-sec:p FFunds ref, pfrd-sec:repo traded CCPCleared percent ref, pfrd-sec:municipal bonds USState local ref, pfrd-sec:secured borrowing other other non USCreditors percent ref, pfrd-sec:unsecured borrowing amount ref, pfrd-sec:derivative exposures to unlisted equities related to financial institutions ref, pfrd-sec:cash equivalents other deposits ref, pfrd-sec:convertible bonds not issued by financial institutions investment grade measure ref, pfrd-sec:net mark to market month1Value ref, pfrd-sec:derivatives traded OTCPercent ref, pfrd-sec:unsecured borrowing other USCreditors percent ref, pfrd-sec:repos measure ref, pfrd-sec:other derivatives ref, pfrd-sec:repos ref, pfrd-sec:liquidity exposures ref, pfrd-sec:corporate bonds issued by financial institutions other than convertible bonds investment grade measure ref, pfrd-sec:commodities physical natural gas ref, pfrd-sec:structured products ABCPMeasure ref, pfrd-sec:sovereign bonds GSEBonds ref, pfrd-sec:unsecured borrowing non USFinancial institution percent ref, pfrd-sec:p FFund ref, pfrd-sec:cash equivalents CDMeasure ref, pfrd-sec:state code ref, pfrd-sec:unsecured borrowing USFinancial institution percent ref, pfrd-sec:relevance type CDRef, pfrd-sec:sovereign bonds non USG10Countries measure ref, pfrd-sec:secured borrowing prime brokerage USFinancial institution percent ref, pfrd-sec:cash equivalents CDRef, pfrd-sec:creditor name code ref, pfrd-sec:structured products other ABSMeasure ref, pfrd-sec:s ECNumber type ref, pfrd-sec:strategy type ref, pfrd-sec:loans leveraged measure ref, pfrd-sec:investments in registered investment companies ref, pfrd-sec:sovereign bonds USTreasury securities ref, pfrd-sec:unsecured borrowing other non USCreditors percent ref, pfrd-sec:commodities derivatives other ref, pfrd-sec:secured borrowing other non USFinancial institution percent ref, pfrd-sec:liquidity fund positions month one ref, pfrd-sec:repo traded tri party repo percent ref, pfrd-sec:secured borrowing other other USCreditors percent ref, pfrd-sec:filing type ref, pfrd-sec:non USCurrency holdings ref, pfrd-sec:loans other ref, pfrd-sec:listed equity other listed equity ref, pfrd-sec:calculated risk ref, pfrd-sec:financing companies ref, pfrd-sec:investments in internal private funds ref, pfrd-sec:asset class CDRef, pfrd-sec:foreign exchange derivatives investment ref, pfrd-sec:liquidity exposure product code ref, pfrd-sec:structured products MBSRef, pfrd-sec:secured borrowing reverse repo securities collateral amount ref, pfrd-sec:clear transactions through CCPRef, pfrd-sec:assets funds ref, pfrd-sec:metrics ref, pfrd-sec:convertible bonds not issued by financial institutions non investment grade ref, pfrd-sec:reporting period type ref, pfrd-sec:counterparty affiliated institution code ref, pfrd-sec:loans other measure ref, pfrd-sec:corporate bonds not issued by financial institutions other than convertible bonds non investment grade ref, pfrd-sec:commodities physical gold ref, pfrd-sec:secured borrowing prime brokerage non USFinancial institution percent ref, pfrd-sec:related person type ref, pfrd-sec:repo traded not CCPCleared percent ref, pfrd-sec:convertible bonds issued by financial institutions non investment grade ref, pfrd-sec:prior ADVFund ref, pfrd-sec:structured products MBSMeasure ref, pfrd-sec:credit derivatives single name CDSRef, pfrd-sec:PF Section 4 item reference, pfrd-sec:sovereign bonds agency securities measure ref, pfrd-sec:derivatives traded exchange percent ref, pfrd-sec:derivatives positions month2Value ref, pfrd-sec:month2LVRef, pfrd-sec:section2b item BCounter party q36Q37Ref, pfrd-sec:unlisted equity other unlisted equity ref, pfrd-sec:investment grade measure code ref, pfrd-sec:action code ref, pfrd-sec:fund type ref, pfrd-sec:commodities derivatives gold ref, pfrd-sec:structured products other ref, pfrd-sec:hedge fund positions month two ref, pfrd-sec:structured products CDOCLORef, pfrd-sec:PF Section 2 item reference, pfrd-sec:strategies ref, pfrd-sec:linked related person list ref, pfrd-sec:sovereign bonds agency securities ref, pfrd-sec:market factor effect change CDRef, pfrd-sec:corporate bonds not issued by financial institutions other than convertible bonds investment grade ref, pfrd-sec:value month reference, pfrd-sec:month3SVRef, pfrd-sec:calculation method code ref, pfrd-sec:investments in external private funds ref, pfrd-sec:commodities derivatives power ref, pfrd-sec:sovereign bonds other ref, pfrd-sec:secured borrowing other amount ref, pfrd-sec:secured borrowing reverse repo other non USCreditors percent ref, pfrd-sec:secured borrowing reverse repo other collateral amount ref, pfrd-sec:corporate bonds issued by financial institutions other than convertible bonds non investment grade measure ref, pfrd-sec:corporate bonds not issued by financial institutions other than convertible bonds investment grade measure ref, pfrd-sec:sovereign bonds non USG10Countries ref, pfrd-sec:foreign exchange derivatives hedging ref, pfrd-sec:hedge fund positions month three ref, pfrd-sec:convertible bonds issued by financial institutions non investment grade measure ref, pfrd-sec:investment industries ref, pfrd-sec:commodities physical other ref, pfrd-sec:derivatives traded not CCPCleared percent ref, pfrd-sec:financing borrowing list ref, pfrd-sec:credit derivatives exotic CDSRef, pfrd-sec:secured borrowing prime brokerage cash collateral amount ref, pfrd-sec:hedge fund positions month one ref, pfrd-sec:corporate bonds issued by financial institutions other than convertible bonds non investment grade ref, pfrd-sec:commodities derivatives natural gas ref, pfrd-sec:secured borrowing other cash collateral amount ref, pfrd-sec:convertible bonds not issued by financial institutions non investment grade measure ref, pfrd-sec:commodities physical crude oil ref, pfrd-sec:convertible bonds not issued by financial institutions investment grade ref, pfrd-sec:person code ref, pfrd-sec:securities traded OTCPercent ref, pfrd-sec:currency code ref, pfrd-sec:convertible bonds issued by financial institutions investment grade ref, pfrd-sec:secured borrowing reverse repo amount ref, pfrd-sec:secured borrowing prime brokerage securities collateral amount ref, pfrd-sec:cash equivalents other ref, pfrd-sec:secured borrowing other other collateral amount ref, pfrd-sec:month3LVRef, pfrd-sec:month1SVRef, pfrd-sec:strategy type SMRef, pfrd-sec:secured borrowing prime brokerage other collateral amount ref, pfrd-sec:strategy high frequency trading percent ref, pfrd-sec:counter parties dollar ref, pfrd-sec:credit derivatives index CDSRef, pfrd-sec:weighted method code ref, pfrd-sec:sovereign bonds other measure ref, pfrd-sec:month1LVRef, pfrd-sec:hedge fund market factor effects ref, pfrd-sec:investments non money market funds ref, pfrd-sec:securities traded exchange percent ref, pfrd-sec:secured borrowing reverse repo other USCreditors percent ref, pfrd-sec:listed equity derivatives other listed equity derivatives ref, pfrd-sec:derivatives positions month1Value ref, pfrd-sec:reporting period quarter ref, pfrd-sec:hedge fund market factor reference, pfrd-sec:PF Section 2 item reference, pfrd-sec:municipal bonds USState local measure ref, pfrd-sec:commodities derivatives crude oil ref, pfrd-sec:unlisted equity issued by financial institutions ref, pfrd-sec:sovereign bonds GSEBonds measure ref, pfrd-sec:derivatives positions month3Value ref, pfrd-sec:creditors ref, pfrd-sec:filers assets fund data ref, pfrd-sec:net mark to market month2Value ref, pfrd-sec:country code ref, pfrd-sec:liquidity financing maturity type code ref, pfrd-sec:additional assets in side pocket code ref, pfrd-sec:derivatives traded CCPCleared percent ref)