Class 'fr-rule-iaa:Exempted ex. USC § 80b–3 (b) (7) (A) - Small Business'

A simplification for the Fund Regulation Prototype. We assume the adviser is already tagged in the FIBO load. This can be expanded to examine the nature of Business Development Company.
Exempted ex. USC § 80b–3 (b) (7) (A) - Small Business
fr-rule-iaa:Legal Status Expression: Defined as Service
lkif-jc-core:considered_by value fr-rule-iaa:Financial Rule Exempted U.S. Code § 80b–3 (b) (7) (A) Small Business
fr-fin-ref:Investment Adviser
and (fibo-fnd-rel-rel:isClassifiedBy value fr-fin-ref:IAA Small Business)
A defined class for FIBO Functional Business Entities that are exempted from Securities & Exchange Commission registration under U.S. Code § 80b–3 (b) (7) : “any investment adviser, other than any entity that has elected to be regulated or is regulated as a business development company pursuant to section 54 of the Investment Company Act of 1940 [15 U.S.C. 80a–53], who solely advises— ". (A) small business investment companies that are licensees under the Small Business Investment Act of 1958 [15 U.S.C. 661 et seq.]; The equivalent class simply consits of all FIBO Investment Advisers that are classified as Small Business Advisers. Inferred members are considered by the exclusion rule, which applies the exclusion status.

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