The Financial Industry Business Data Model (FIB-DM) is the foundation for Alternative Investment Fund data models.
We used CODT, our patented US12038939 Configurable Ontology to Data Model Transformation, to derive FIB-DM from the Financial Industry Business Ontology (FIBO).
Banks and Investment Companies defined the FIBO as the industry’s reference standard. Hedge and Private Equity Funds should participate in FIBO development to add more alternative investment content.
The Hedge Fund Regulation Ontology imports FIBO. Consequently, we believe that FIB-DM is a solid foundation for relational design.
The current data model version covers Foundation, Business Entities, Finance Business and Commerce, Securities, Derivatives, Indicators, Collective Investment Vehicles, Corporate Actions, Loans, and Market Data.
Our gallery below shows some FIB-DM packages suitable for AIF. Click on a thumbnail to open the Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) diagram. Then, use your browser to scroll, zoom, and pan in and out. The latest 2024/Q4 release report lists all 3,074 FIB-DM entities with their definitions.
Below is a table with entity name, code, and definition. The complete data model dictionary is on the FIB-DM website.
Name | Code | Definition |
applies To | fibo-fnd-rel-rel:appliesTo | a relation indicating something that is pertinent or relevant to the concept |
Asset Class | fibo-sec-sec-cls:AssetClass | a financial instrument classifier for a group of securities that exhibit similar characteristics, behave similarly in the marketplace and are subject to the same laws and regulations |
Auction Date Rule | fibo-sec-sec-sch:AuctionDateRule | a business recurrence interval convention that is a published rule for defining the date of some auction event |
Basket Of Indices | fibo-sec-sec-bsk:BasketOfIndices | a basket made up of market indices |
Basket Of Indices Constituent | fibo-sec-sec-bsk:BasketOfIndicesConstituent | a single constituent of a basket of indices |
Basket Of Securities | fibo-sec-sec-bsk:BasketOfSecurities | a basket of traded securities |
Best Efforts Offering | fibo-sec-sec-iss:BestEffortsOffering | a securities offering that is sold on a best efforts, rather than firm commitment, basis, whereby investment bankers commit to doing their best to sell the securities offered, but do not assume the full risk of an underwriter |
Blue Sky Law | fibo-sec-sec-rst:BlueSkyLaw | a kind of securities regulation passed by various states, designed to protect investors against securities fraud by requiring sellers of new issues to register their offerings and provide financial details |
Calculation Period | fibo-sec-sec-sch:CalculationPeriod | a date period defined as the number of days from the start of the calculation period to the scheduled end date of the period |
Calculation Period Length | fibo-sec-sec-sch:CalculationPeriodLength | an explicit duration defined as the number of days from the adjusted effective or start date to the adjusted termination or end date calculated in accordance with the applicable day count fraction |
characterizes | fibo-fnd-rel-rel:characterizes | a feature or quality that distinguishes something from something else |
classifies | fibo-fnd-rel-rel:classifies | arranges in classes; assigns to a category |
comprises | fibo-fnd-rel-rel:comprises | includes, especially within a particular scope, is made up of |
Contractual Restriction | fibo-sec-sec-rst:ContractualRestriction | contract terms setting out restrictions on either the holder or the issuer of the security, as specified in the terms of the instrument itself |
Conversion Terms | fibo-sec-sec-iss:ConversionTerms | contract terms specifying when and how a security may be converted to another security (usually of the same issuer) |
Convertible Security | fibo-sec-sec-iss:ConvertibleSecurity | a security that can be converted into another security |
Date | fibo-fnd-dt-fd:Date | a calendar day on some calendar |
Date Period | fibo-fnd-dt-fd:DatePeriod | a time span over one or more calendar days, defined by at least two of three properties: (1) a start date, (2) an end date, and (3) a date period (duration); if more than one of these properties is missing, the DatePeriod is invalid |
Date Returned By Settlement Date Rule | fibo-sec-sec-sch:DateReturnedBySettlementDateRule | a rule-determined date that is a published rule for defining the date returned by settlement date |
Date Returned By Trading Date Rule | fibo-sec-sec-sch:DateReturnedByTradingDateRule | a rule-determined date that is a published rule for defining the date returned by trading date |
Debt Pool | fibo-sec-sec-pls:DebtPool | a pool consisting of debt instruments, such as bonds, loans or mortgages |
defines | fibo-fnd-rel-rel:defines | determines or identifies the essential qualities or meaning of, discovers and sets forth the meaning of, fixes or marks the limits of, demarcates |
Exchange And Listing Service | fibo-sec-sec-lst:ExchangeAndListingService | a trading and (optionally) listing service for the purposes of securities trading |
Exchange Identifier | fibo-sec-sec-lst:ExchangeIdentifier | an identifier allocated to a securities exchange |
Exchange Specific Securities Registry | fibo-sec-sec-id:ExchangeSpecificSecuritiesRegistry | a registry used by a securities exchange in managing the security identifiers and related information that it registers and manages |
Exchange Specific Securities Registry Entry | fibo-sec-sec-id:ExchangeSpecificSecuritiesRegistryEntry | an entry in an exchange-specific securities repository |
Exchange Specific Security Identification Scheme | fibo-sec-sec-id:ExchangeSpecificSecurityIdentificationScheme | an identification scheme used by a securities exchange in issuing security identifiers |
Exchange Traded Security | fibo-sec-sec-lst:ExchangeTradedSecurity | a listed security that may be traded on a particular exchange |
Exempt Issuer | fibo-sec-sec-iss:ExemptIssuer | a securities issuer that issues securities that are exempt from certain regulatory reporting requirements |
Exempt Offering | fibo-sec-sec-iss:ExemptOffering | a public offering involving securities that are exempt from certain regulatory reporting requirements, either because the issuer is exempt or the transaction specific to the offering is exempt |
Exempt Transaction | fibo-sec-sec-iss:ExemptTransaction | a securities transaction for which there is no requirement to register the transaction with a regulatory agency |
Financial Instrument | fibo-fbc-fi-fi:FinancialInstrument | a written contract that gives rise to both a financial asset of one entity and a financial liability or equity instrument of another entity |
Financial Instrument Classification Scheme | fibo-sec-sec-cls:FinancialInstrumentClassificationScheme | a classification scheme defining a particular classifier for a security, such as the ISO 10962 CFI classification scheme |
Financial Instrument Classifier | fibo-sec-sec-cls:FinancialInstrumentClassifier | a standardized classifier for a financial instrument based on its type |
Financial Instrument Global Identifier Registry Entry | fibo-sec-sec-idind:FinancialInstrumentGlobalIdentifierRegistryEntry | an entry in a Financial Instrument Global Identifier (FIGI) registry |
Financial Instrument Identification Scheme | fibo-sec-sec-id:FinancialInstrumentIdentificationScheme | a formal definition of the structure and application of a particular set of financial instrument identifiers |
Financial Instrument Short Name | fibo-sec-sec-iss:FinancialInstrumentShortName | an identifier that is a short name for any kind of financial instrument within a defined structure as specified in ISO 18774 |
Firm Commitment Offering | fibo-sec-sec-iss:FirmCommitmentOffering | a securities offering whereby the underwriter purchases the securities outright for their own account |
Floating Rate Note Date | fibo-sec-sec-sch:FloatingRateNoteDate | a calculated date associated with a floating-rate note, also known as a floater or FRN, which is a debt instrument with a variable interest rate |
Floating Rate Note Date Rule | fibo-sec-sec-sch:FloatingRateNoteDateRule | a business day adjustment rule applied to floating-rate note instruments |
Fund Family | fibo-sec-sec-pls:FundFamily | a collection of managed investments that are all managed by a single investment institution |
governs | fibo-fnd-rel-rel:governs | prevails or has decisive influence over; exercises authority |
has Acquisition Price | fibo-sec-sec-ast:hasAcquisitionPrice | has a value as of the date of acquisition, expressed as an amount of money or goods |
has Business Day Adjustment | fibo-fnd-dt-bd:hasBusinessDayAdjustment | identifies a convention for adjustment of the business day for handling weekends and holidays |
has Business Day Convention | fibo-fnd-dt-bd:hasBusinessDayConvention | identifies a convention regarding how a date should be handled when it falls on a day that is not a business day |
has Constituent | fibo-fnd-arr-arr:hasConstituent | an essential part, component, or element of some collection or set |
has Contractual Element | fibo-fnd-agr-ctr:hasContractualElement | indicates an element, such as contractual definitions, terms describing commitments and the like, that forms part of a contract |
has Coverage Area | fibo-fnd-plc-cty:hasCoverageArea | indicates a geographic region in which some service is provided, or to which some policy applies, or in which something is available |
has Currency | fibo-fnd-acc-cur:hasCurrency | a medium of exchange value in which something, such as a monetary amount is defined |
has Date Of Issuance | fibo-fnd-arr-doc:hasDateOfIssuance | links something, typically an agreement, contract, or document, with the date it was issued |
has Duration | fibo-fnd-dt-fd:hasDuration | the duration of a date period or similar concept, such as the tenor of a contract |
has End Date | fibo-fnd-dt-fd:hasEndDate | the ending date of some Schedule or DatePeriod |
has Expiration Date | fibo-fnd-arr-doc:hasExpirationDate | links something, typically an agreement, contract, document, or perishable item, with an expiration date |
has Financial Instrument Short Name | fibo-sec-sec-iss:hasFinancialInstrumentShortName | relates a security to its ISO 18774-compliant short name, which includes an issuer short name, abbreviated instrument characteristics, and abbreviated instrument description per the ISO standard |
has Governing Jurisdiction | fibo-fnd-agr-ctr:hasGoverningJurisdiction | the jurisdiction governing the contract, as agreed by all parties |
has Holding Period | fibo-sec-sec-rst:hasHoldingPeriod | identifies a holding period applicable to some financial asset |
has Identity | fibo-fnd-rel-rel:hasIdentity | provides a means for identifying something that fills a particular role |
has Inforce | fibo-fnd-law-cor:hasInforce | relates a jurisdiction or situation to a rule, regulation or law (collectively “law”) that is currently in force in that situation or jurisdiction |
has Listing Date | fibo-sec-sec-lst:hasListingDate | indicates the date on which a security is listed |
has Offering Price | fibo-fbc-pas-fpas:hasOfferingPrice | indicates the price associated with an offering, which may be an explicit or calculated price |
has Part | fibo-fnd-rel-rel:hasPart | indicates any portion of a thing, regardless of whether the portion itself is attached to the remainder or detached; cognitively salient or arbitrarily demarcated; self-connected or disconnected; homogeneous or gerrymandered; material or immaterial; extended or unextended; spatial or temporal |
has Party In Role | fibo-fnd-pty-pty:hasPartyInRole | identifies a party acting in a specific role as related to the particular agreement, contract, policy, regulation, or other business relationship |
has Recurrence Start Date | fibo-fnd-dt-fd:hasRecurrenceStartDate | the starting Date of the first recurrence of a RegularSchedule |
has Registry Entry | fibo-fbc-fct-ra:hasRegistryEntry | links a registry to entries that it contains |
has Restriction | fibo-sec-sec-rst:hasRestriction | identifies a restriction applicable to a given financial instrument or listing |
has Start Date | fibo-fnd-dt-fd:hasStartDate | the starting Date of something |
holds | fibo-fnd-rel-rel:holds | is the relationship between a party and something it possesses, or over which it exercises some ownership or control or has at its discretion the ability to dispose of it as it sees fit |
Individual Investor | fibo-sec-sec-rst:IndividualInvestor | an investor that is a person, rather than an organization, who may or may not be considered a qualified investor from a legal perspective |
Institutional Investor | fibo-sec-sec-rst:InstitutionalInvestor | an organization that trades large volumes of securities |
Instrument Pool | fibo-sec-sec-pls:InstrumentPool | a pool consisting of financial instruments that may be included in the same investment vehicle |
International Money Market Australian Dollar Trading Date Rule | fibo-sec-sec-sch:InternationalMoneyMarketAustralianDollarTradingDateRule | a trading date rule defined as the last trading day of an Australian Stock Exchange (ASX) 90-Day Bank Accepted Futures and Options product, one Sydney business day preceding the second Friday of the relevant settlement month |
International Money Market Canadian Dollar Trading Date Rule | fibo-sec-sec-sch:InternationalMoneyMarketCanadianDollarTradingDateRule | a trading date rule defined as the last trading day / expiration day of the Canadian Derivatives Exchange (Bourse do Montreal Inc.), three month Bankers’ Acceptance Futures (Ticker symbol BAX), the second London banking day prior to the third Wednesday of the contract month |
International Money Market New Zealand Dollar Trading Date Rule | fibo-sec-sec-sch:InternationalMoneyMarketNewZealandDollarTradingDateRule | a trading date rule defined as the last trading day of an Australian Stock Exchange (ASX) New Zealand (NZ) 90-Day Bank Accepted Futures and Options product, the first Wednesday after the ninth day of the relevant settlement month |
International Money Market Settlement Date Rule | fibo-sec-sec-sch:InternationalMoneyMarketSettlementDateRule | a settlement date rule as defined in the International Money Market (IMM) settlement dates calendar |
International Securities Identification Number | fibo-sec-sec-id:InternationalSecuritiesIdentificationNumber | a security identifier that is defined as specified in ISO 6166, Securities and related financial instruments — International securities identification numbering system (ISIN) |
International Securities Identification Numbering Scheme | fibo-sec-sec-id:InternationalSecuritiesIdentificationNumberingScheme | a formal definition of the structure and application of a ISINs as defined in ISO 6166 |
Investors Domicile Restriction | fibo-sec-sec-rst:InvestorsDomicileRestriction | a legal holding restriction that specifies where holders of a security may be domiciled |
is Issued In | fibo-sec-sec-lst:isIssuedIn | identifies the exchange in which a security is issued |
is Registered By | fibo-fbc-fct-ra:isRegisteredBy | indicates the registration authority that registers something |
is Registered With | fibo-sec-sec-iss:isRegisteredWith | indicates the registration authority for a given security, i.e., in the name of the owner on the books of the issuer, with the issuer’s registrar, with a third-party transfer agent, with a broker-dealer, or other competent party |
is Traded On | fibo-sec-sec-lst:isTradedOn | identifies the trading facility on which the security is traded |
Issuer | fibo-fbc-fi-fi:Issuer | any party who issues (or proposes to issue, in a formal filing) any financial instrument, where a party can be a natural person, company, government, or political subdivision, agency, or instrumentality of a government |
issues | fibo-fnd-rel-rel:issues | is made available by |
Legal Holding Restriction | fibo-sec-sec-rst:LegalHoldingRestriction | a security restriction applicable to holding the security |
Legal Restriction | fibo-sec-sec-rst:LegalRestriction | a securities restriction that is mandated by law or regulation |
Listed Security | fibo-sec-sec-lst:ListedSecurity | a registered security listed on a specific exchange |
Listed Security Identifier | fibo-sec-sec-id:ListedSecurityIdentifier | a security identifier issued in the public domain and referred to in listings and other relevant publications |
Managed Investment | fibo-sec-sec-pls:ManagedInvestment | an investment pool that is controlled by a professional investment manager who invests the pool in various financial instruments and assets that align with their investment objectives and is overseen by a board of directors |
mandates | fibo-fnd-rel-rel:mandates | relates something to a commitment, contract, law, obligation, requirement, regulation, or similar concept that requires it |
Mixed Basket | fibo-sec-sec-bsk:MixedBasket | a basket that has a mix of constituents, including securities and indices |
National Numbering Agency | fibo-sec-sec-id:NationalNumberingAgency | a registration authority responsible for issuing and managing National Securities Identifying Numbers for securities in accordance with the ISO 6166 standard in some jurisdiction (typically that of a country) |
National Securities Identifying Number | fibo-sec-sec-id:NationalSecuritiesIdentifyingNumber | a generic, nine-digit alpha numeric code which identifies a fungible security, assigned by a national numbering agency under the ISO 6166 standard |
National Securities Identifying Number Registry | fibo-sec-sec-id:NationalSecuritiesIdentifyingNumberRegistry | a registry used by a national numbering agency to manage the financial instrument identifiers and related information that it registers |
National Securities Identifying Number Registry Entry | fibo-sec-sec-id:NationalSecuritiesIdentifyingNumberRegistryEntry | an entry in a National Securities Identifying Number registry |
National Security Identification Scheme | fibo-sec-sec-id:NationalSecurityIdentificationScheme | a security identification scheme, defining the format and structure of a National Securities Identifying Number (NSIN), published nationally on behalf of a country |
Non Rolling Date | fibo-sec-sec-sch:NonRollingDate | an explicit date that equates to a calendar date with no adjustments and with no reference to any date specification |
Notional Financial Marketplace | fibo-sec-sec-lst:NotionalFinancialMarketplace | a place which is identified as a financial market but which is not a physical place such as a country or region. This may be a conceptual place such as the Eurobond market or the Global market. |
Offering Document | fibo-sec-sec-iss:OfferingDocument | a legal document that states the objectives, risks and terms of an investment |
Offering Statement | fibo-sec-sec-iss:OfferingStatement | an offering memorandum that conforms to Regulation A, Offering Statement, of the Securities Act of 1933 |
Parametric Schedule | fibo-sec-sec-sch:ParametricSchedule | a regular, parameterized schedule typically used for the calculation of payments for coupons, dividends, and interest |
Periodic Scheduled Event Date | fibo-sec-sec-sch:PeriodicScheduledEventDate | the date on which a schedule event occurs in some parametric schedule |
Pool | fibo-sec-sec-pls:Pool | a combination of resources for a common purpose or benefit |
Pool Constituent | fibo-sec-sec-pls:PoolConstituent | something that is a component of a pool |
Pool Equity | fibo-sec-sec-pls:PoolEquity | a share or proportion of the capital gains in some pool investment such as a fund or a debt asset pool |
Pooled Fund | fibo-sec-sec-pls:PooledFund | a pool of funds that a group of investors combines for common benefit |
Portfolio | fibo-sec-sec-ast:Portfolio | a collection of investments (financial assets) such as stocks, bonds and cash equivalents, as well as mutual funds |
Portfolio Holding | fibo-sec-sec-ast:PortfolioHolding | the contents of holding of one or more portfolios of investments held by an individual investor or entity |
Price | fibo-fnd-acc-cur:Price | an amount of money, goods, or services requested, expected, required, or given in exchange for something else |
Private Offering | fibo-sec-sec-iss:PrivateOffering | an offering of securities made privately to a limited number of qualified potential investors |
Private Placement Memorandum | fibo-sec-sec-iss:PrivatePlacementMemorandum | a legal document stating the objectives, risks and terms of investment involved with a private placement |
Proprietary Security Identification Scheme | fibo-sec-sec-id:ProprietarySecurityIdentificationScheme | a security identification scheme published by a data provider or other commercial entity |
Proprietary Security Identifier | fibo-sec-sec-id:ProprietarySecurityIdentifier | an identifier supplied by a commercial data provider or government, such as a RIC code |
Prospectus | fibo-sec-sec-iss:Prospectus | a formal, written offering document to sell securities that provides the facts an investor needs to make an informed investment decision |
provides | fibo-fnd-rel-rel:provides | makes something available |
provisions | fibo-fnd-pas-pas:provisions | customizes, provides, or outfits something required for use in delivering a service |
Public Offering | fibo-sec-sec-iss:PublicOffering | an offering of securities for sale to the investment public, after compliance with registration requirements of the relevant regulatory authorities |
Qualified Investor Restriction | fibo-sec-sec-rst:QualifiedInvestorRestriction | a legal holding restriction specifying that only qualified investors may hold the security, optionally for a defined holding period (if this is not defined then the period is indefinite) |
Registered Security | fibo-sec-sec-lst:RegisteredSecurity | a security that is registered with some registration authority and that may be traded in some trading venue (market) |
Regulation S | fibo-sec-sec-rst:RegulationS | a securities regulation defining an exemption through which corporations can issue unregistered securities to qualified foreign investors and foreign institutions |
Restriction144A | fibo-sec-sec-rst:Restriction144A | a Securities & Exchange Commission rule modifying a two-year holding period requirement on privately placed securities to permit qualified institutional buyers to trade these positions among themselves |
Rule Determined Date | fibo-sec-sec-sch:RuleDeterminedDate | a date determined by the application of some rule |
Scheduled Calculation Period End Event | fibo-sec-sec-sch:ScheduledCalculationPeriodEndEvent | the end date of a specific calculation period |
Scheduled Calculation Period Start Event | fibo-sec-sec-sch:ScheduledCalculationPeriodStartEvent | the start of a specific calculation period |
Securities Basket Constituent | fibo-sec-sec-bsk:SecuritiesBasketConstituent | a security identified as a component of a basket of securities |
Securities Contract Terms | fibo-sec-sec-iss:SecuritiesContractTerms | one or more contractual commitments that are specific to financial instruments that can be bought or sold and may or may not be negotiable |
Securities Exchange | fibo-sec-sec-lst:SecuritiesExchange | an organized, national exchange where securities, options, and futures contracts may be traded by members for their own accounts and for the accounts of their customers |
Securities Offering | fibo-sec-sec-iss:SecuritiesOffering | an offering of a security (or securities) for sale |
Securities Pool | fibo-sec-sec-pls:SecuritiesPool | a pool of securities organized for the purpose of issuing notes against those securities |
Securities Pool Constituent | fibo-sec-sec-pls:SecuritiesPoolConstituent | a security that is included in a securities pool |
Securities Regulation | fibo-sec-sec-rst:SecuritiesRegulation | a regulation codified in law specific to securities and investments |
Securities Restriction | fibo-sec-sec-rst:SecuritiesRestriction | a legal restriction that is applicable to a financial instrument or security listing as mandated in a law or by contract |
Security Holder | fibo-sec-sec-ast:SecurityHolder | a party that holds a transferable contract (security), and has the rights defined in that contract |
Security Holding | fibo-sec-sec-ast:SecurityHolding | a (tradable) security held in a portfolio |
Security Identification Scheme | fibo-sec-sec-id:SecurityIdentificationScheme | a formal definition of the structure and application of a particular set of securities identifiers |
Security Identifier | fibo-sec-sec-id:SecurityIdentifier | any publicly available identifier that is used to identify a security |
Security Listing | fibo-sec-sec-lst:SecurityListing | a capability for listing a security provided by a securities trading facility |
Security Underwriter | fibo-sec-sec-iss:SecurityUnderwriter | a party that has purchased from an issuer with a view to, or sells for an issuer in connection with, the distribution of any security, or participates or has a direct or indirect participation in any such undertaking, or participates or has a participation in the direct or indirect underwriting of any such undertaking |
Security Underwriting Arrangement | fibo-sec-sec-iss:SecurityUnderwritingArrangement | an underwriting arrangement between an organization (typically an investment bank) and a securities issuer that commits the underwriter to assuming risk involved in buying a new issue of securities from an issuing corporation or government entity and reselling it to the public, either directly or through dealers |
Settlement Date Rule | fibo-sec-sec-sch:SettlementDateRule | a rule for determining dates by reference to some calendar or specification of settlement dates |
Trading Date Rule | fibo-sec-sec-sch:TradingDateRule | a rule for dates defined with reference to some trading date calendar published by some trading facility or authority, such as a stock exchange |
Trading Restriction | fibo-sec-sec-rst:TradingRestriction | a restriction that limits trading in some manner, typically summarized on term sheets or in other documentation, including but not limited to restrictions on day trading |
US Treasury Bill Auction Date Rule | fibo-sec-sec-sch:USTreasuryBillAuctionDateRule | a rule for setting auction dates for US Treasury bills |
US Treasury Bill Date | fibo-sec-sec-sch:USTreasuryBillDate | an auction date for US 13 week and 26 week Treasury bills |
Basis Swap | fibo-der-drc-swp:BasisSwap | a swap in which payment streams are referenced to different bases |
Cashflow Expression | fibo-der-drc-bsc:CashflowExpression | an expression that specifies a calculation of a cash flow as a component of a cashflow formula |
Cashflow Formula | fibo-der-drc-bsc:CashflowFormula | a formula for determining cashflows for a derivative instrument |
Cashflow Terms | fibo-der-drc-bsc:CashflowTerms | terms setting out a cashflow structure of payments committed to by one party to a contract |
Cross Currency Interest Rate Swap | fibo-der-rtd-irswp:CrossCurrencyInterestRateSwap | an interest rate swap in which the two streams of interest payments are in different currencies |
Deliver Cash | fibo-der-drc-bsc:DeliverCash | commitment to deliver cash at the earliest available date as per settlement convention |
Delivery Terms | fibo-der-drc-bsc:DeliveryTerms | settlement terms specifying what (cash, an asset, etc.) is to be delivered when, to whom, under what conditions at the time of settlement |
Derivative Contract Party | fibo-der-drc-bsc:DerivativeContractParty | a party to a derivative instrument |
Derivative Transaction Terms | fibo-der-drc-bsc:DerivativeTransactionTerms | the contract terms for a derivative transaction, covering payment or delivery by either party to the other |
Derivatives Clearing Organization | fibo-der-drc-bsc:DerivativesClearingOrganization | an entity that enables each party to an agreement, contract, or transaction to substitute, through novation or otherwise, the credit of the DCO for the credit of the parties; arranges or provides, on a multilateral basis, for the settlement or netting of obligations; or otherwise provides clearing services or arrangements that mutualize or transfer credit risk among participants |
Designated Contract Market | fibo-der-drc-bsc:DesignatedContractMarket | an exchange, trading system, or platform that enables listing for trading futures or option contracts based on any underlying commodity, index or instrument |
Economic Rate Based Derivative Instrument | fibo-der-rtd-rtd:EconomicRateBasedDerivativeInstrument | a rate-based derivative whose underlier is an economic indicator |
Economic Rate Observable | fibo-der-rtd-rtd:EconomicRateObservable | a rate-based observable that is specifically an economic indicator |
Explicit Interest Amount Calculation Event | fibo-der-rtd-irswp:ExplicitInterestAmountCalculationEvent | the explicit representation of the calculation event in a given period, in which an interest payment is calculated based on the rate (fixed or floating) and the notional amount (in the payment currency, and factored for Fx if necessary), on a given date |
Fixed Float Cross Currency Interest Rate Swap | fibo-der-rtd-irswp:FixedFloatCrossCurrencyInterestRateSwap | an interest rate swap in which fixed interest payments on the notional are exchanged for floating interest payments and the two streams of interest payments are in different currencies |
Fixed Float Interest Rate Swap | fibo-der-rtd-irswp:FixedFloatInterestRateSwap | an interest rate swap in which fixed interest payments on the notional are exchanged for floating interest payments |
Fixed Float Single Currency Interest Rate Swap | fibo-der-rtd-irswp:FixedFloatSingleCurrencyInterestRateSwap | an interest rate swap in which fixed interest payments on the notional are exchanged for floating interest payments and where both payment streams are expressed in terms of the same currency |
Fixed Interest Rate Leg | fibo-der-rtd-irswp:FixedInterestRateLeg | a swap stream that specifies fixed interest amounts and terms for the payment of that interest |
Fixed Payment Leg | fibo-der-drc-swp:FixedPaymentLeg | the terms for the fixed payment leg of a swap such as a dividend swap, or for any swap that has a fixed leg, including, for example, a single stock swap |
Float Float Cross Currency Interest Rate Swap | fibo-der-rtd-irswp:FloatFloatCrossCurrencyInterestRateSwap | an interest rate swap that exchanges cashflows based on two different interest rates in different currencies |
Float Float Interest Rate Swap | fibo-der-rtd-irswp:FloatFloatInterestRateSwap | an interest rate swap that exchanges cashflows based on two different floating interest rates |
Float Float Single Currency Interest Rate Swap | fibo-der-rtd-irswp:FloatFloatSingleCurrencyInterestRateSwap | an interest rate swap that exchanges cashflows based on two different floating interest rates in the same currency |
Floating Interest Rate Leg | fibo-der-rtd-irswp:FloatingInterestRateLeg | a swapstream in which variable interest is paid on some notional amount, linked to some underlying interest reference rate |
has Business Recurrence Interval Convention | fibo-fnd-dt-bd:hasBusinessRecurrenceIntervalConvention | identifies a convention regarding how certain recurring dates should be handled with respect to a given schedule, such as the end of the month |
has Contract Party | fibo-fnd-agr-ctr:hasContractParty | has a party which is a signatory to the contract and to which is granted certain rights and obligations as defined in the contract and which concedes certain rights to and imposes certain obligations upon the other party as defined in the contract |
has Date | fibo-fnd-dt-fd:hasDate | identifies a specific date |
has Effective Date | fibo-fnd-agr-ctr:hasEffectiveDate | the date a contract, relationship, or policy comes into force |
has Expression | fibo-fnd-utl-alx:hasExpression | indicates a mathematical or other formal expression, which may be part of a formula |
has Formula | fibo-fnd-utl-alx:hasFormula | indicates a concise way of expressing information symbolically, as in a mathematical or chemical formula |
has Interest Calculation Schedule | fibo-der-rtd-irswp:hasInterestCalculationSchedule | links a set of terms to a corresponding schedule for calculating interest |
has Interest Rate Reset Schedule | fibo-der-rtd-irswp:hasInterestRateResetSchedule | links a set of terms to a corresponding schedule for resetting the interest rate, which may be either a regular or ad hoc schedule |
has Leg | fibo-der-drc-swp:hasLeg | relates a swap to the legs (swap streams) that comprise the swap |
has Notional Amount | fibo-fnd-acc-cur:hasNotionalAmount | has a notional value expressed as some monetary amount, that is a number and a currency in which that number is denominated |
has Notional Step Schedule | fibo-der-rtd-irswp:hasNotionalStepSchedule | links a set of terms to a corresponding notional step schedule, which may be either a regular or ad hoc schedule |
has Paying Party | fibo-der-drc-swp:hasPayingParty | defines the payer party for a funding leg of a swap |
has Payment Schedule | fibo-der-drc-swp:hasPaymentSchedule | defines a schedule of payments for a funding leg of a swap |
has Receiving Party | fibo-der-drc-swp:hasReceivingParty | defines the recipient for a funding leg of a swap |
has Swap Identifier | fibo-der-drc-swp:hasSwapIdentifier | relates a swap lifecycle event to the identifier for the swap |
has Termination Date | fibo-fnd-arr-doc:hasTerminationDate | links something, typically an agreement, contract, document, or process, with a date on which it was terminated |
has Underlier | fibo-der-drc-bsc:hasUnderlier | relates a derivative to an asset, such as one or more financial instrument(s), index or parameter, or combination thereof on which the contract is based |
Interest Rate Derivative Instrument | fibo-der-rtd-rtd:InterestRateDerivativeInstrument | a rate-based derivative whose underlier is an interest rate |
Interest Rate Observable | fibo-der-rtd-rtd:InterestRateObservable | a rate-based observable that is specifically an interest rate |
Interest Rate Stream Event | fibo-der-rtd-irswp:InterestRateStreamEvent | an interest-rate specific event occurring with respect to one leg of a swap |
Interest Rate Swap | fibo-der-rtd-irswp:InterestRateSwap | a swap in which the underlier for one or both legs is an interest rate |
Interest Rate Swap Leg | fibo-der-rtd-irswp:InterestRateSwapLeg | the components specifiying an interest rate stream, including both a parametric and cashflow representation for the stream of payments |
Introducing Broker | fibo-der-drc-bsc:IntroducingBroker | an entity that solicits or accepts orders for futures or options contracts traded on or subject to the rules of an exchange; and does not accept any money, securities, or property (or extend credit in lieu thereof) to margin, guarantee, or secure any trades or contracts that result or may result |
Major Swap Participant | fibo-der-drc-swp:MajorSwapParticipant | a financial service provider that maintains a substantial position in swaps for any of the major swap categories, excluding positions held for hedging or mitigating commercial risk and positions maintained by an employee benefit plan for the primary purpose of hedging or mitigating any risk directly associated with the operation of the plan |
Non Physical Underlier | fibo-der-drc-bsc:NonPhysicalUnderlier | an underlier that does not represent a deliverable asset |
Notional Step Amount | fibo-der-rtd-irswp:NotionalStepAmount | the amount of money that is subtracted from the notional on each step date |
Notional Step Change Event | fibo-der-rtd-irswp:NotionalStepChangeEvent | an event on which a step change in the notional amount of the swap stream occurs |
Notional Step Percentage Amount | fibo-der-rtd-irswp:NotionalStepPercentageAmount | the percentage amount by which the notional changes on each step date |
Notional Step Period Length | fibo-der-rtd-irswp:NotionalStepPeriodLength | a recurrence interval indicating the frequency with which step changes occur, which is a multiple of the calculation period in the calculation schedule |
Notional Step Schedule | fibo-der-rtd-irswp:NotionalStepSchedule | schedule of changes in the notional amount on which interest is paid, comprising the regular sequence of step events |
Observable Value | fibo-der-drc-bsc:ObservableValue | a value for something that can be observed in the marketplace |
OTC Contract Settlement Terms | fibo-der-drc-bsc:OTCContractSettlementTerms | settlement terms specific to an over-the-counter agreement |
OTC Derivative Contract | fibo-der-drc-bsc:OTCDerivativeContract | an over-the-counter agreement that is also a derivative instrument |
OTC Derivative Transaction | fibo-der-drc-bsc:OTCDerivativeTransaction | a derivative transaction that is struck over the counter between two parties |
OTC Instrument | fibo-der-drc-bsc:OTCInstrument | a financial instrument and bilateral contract that is not listed or traded on an organized exchange |
OTC Product | fibo-der-drc-bsc:OTCProduct | an over-the-counter derivative, made up of one or more transactions, with a corresponding contract or contracts |
OTC Transaction | fibo-der-drc-bsc:OTCTransaction | an over-the-counter transaction to exchange an instrument for some consideration |
OTC Transaction Confirmation | fibo-der-drc-bsc:OTCTransactionConfirmation | a formal confirmation document that codifies the terms and conditions of the transaction between the parties |
OTC Transaction Party | fibo-der-drc-bsc:OTCTransactionParty | a party to an over-the-counter agreement |
Parametric Cashflow Terms | fibo-der-drc-bsc:ParametricCashflowTerms | terms for a set of cashflows defined according to a mathematical formula |
Payment Schedule | fibo-fnd-pas-psch:PaymentSchedule | schedule for delivery of money in fulfillment of an obligation, such as a coupon payment schedule, loan payment schedule, interest payment schedule |
Rate Based Derivative Instrument | fibo-der-rtd-rtd:RateBasedDerivativeInstrument | a derivative instrument whose underlier is a non-physical observable rate |
Rate Based Observable | fibo-der-rtd-rtd:RateBasedObservable | a non-physical observable value, such as an interest rate, market rate, economic indicator, statistical measure calculated over some collection of indices, or some other rate that is readily observable in the world |
refers To | fibo-fnd-rel-rel:refersTo | the relationship between a reference and the concept it stands for or refers to, i.e., the referent for that reference |
Single Currency Interest Rate Swap | fibo-der-rtd-irswp:SingleCurrencyInterestRateSwap | an interest rate swap in which the two streams of interest payments are in the same currency |
Swap | fibo-der-drc-swp:Swap | a derivative instrument that facilitates the exchange of financial instruments among the parties; the instruments can be almost anything, but most swaps involve cash flows (streams of payments or other commitments over time) based on a notional principal amount that both parties agree to |
Swap Confirmation | fibo-der-drc-swp:SwapConfirmation | a formal confirmation that codifies the terms and conditions specific to a lifecycle event with respect to the overall transaction between the parties |
Swap Data Repository | fibo-der-drc-swp:SwapDataRepository | a financial service provider that provides a central facility for swap data reporting and recordkeeping |
Swap Dealer | fibo-der-drc-swp:SwapDealer | a financial service provider that holds itself out as a dealer in swaps; makes a market in swaps; regularly enters into swaps with counterparties as an ordinary course of business for its own account; or engages in any activity causing the person to be commonly known in the trade as a dealer or market maker in swaps |
Swap Execution Facility | fibo-der-drc-swp:SwapExecutionFacility | an exchange, trading system, or platform that enables many participants to execute or trade swaps |
Swap Leg | fibo-der-drc-swp:SwapLeg | terms defining and commitment to fulfill the future payment or cashflow requirements (e.g., interest payments, coupon payments, etc.) for one leg of a swap transaction |
Swap Lifecycle Event | fibo-der-drc-swp:SwapLifecycleEvent | an event that occurs during the lifecycle of a swap, where the overall set of events includes those specific to the issuer, front office, middle office, and/or back office processes |
Swap Lifecycle Event Identifier | fibo-der-drc-swp:SwapLifecycleEventIdentifier | an identifier that uniquely identifies a specific event in the lifecycle of a swap |
Swap Party | fibo-der-drc-swp:SwapParty | a party to a swap and therefore a legal party to the contract that embodies that transaction |
Swap Paying Party | fibo-der-drc-swp:SwapPayingParty | a swap party responsible for making payments for a given leg of the transaction as defined in the contract |
Swap Receiving Party | fibo-der-drc-swp:SwapReceivingParty | a swap party that receives payments for a given leg of the transaction as defined in the contract |
Swap Stream Calculation Relative Date | fibo-der-rtd-irswp:SwapStreamCalculationRelativeDate | a calculation date that is relative to the rate reset schedule |
Swap Stream Event | fibo-der-drc-swp:SwapStreamEvent | a payment event (e.g., interest payment, coupon payment, etc.) against one leg of a swap stream |
Swap Stream Interest Calculation | fibo-der-rtd-irswp:SwapStreamInterestCalculation | an expression that represents a calculation of interest |
Swap Stream Interest Calculation Schedule | fibo-der-rtd-irswp:SwapStreamInterestCalculationSchedule | a parametric schedule that represents the dates on which interest is calculated |
Swap Stream Interest Payment | fibo-der-rtd-irswp:SwapStreamInterestPayment | an event involving the payment of interest for a given swap leg |
Swap Stream Interest Payment Schedule | fibo-der-rtd-irswp:SwapStreamInterestPaymentSchedule | a parametric schedule that represents the dates on which interest is due to be paid |
Swap Stream Interest Rate Reset | fibo-der-rtd-irswp:SwapStreamInterestRateReset | an event on which an interest rate for a given swap stream changes (resets) |
Swap Stream Interest Rate Reset Schedule | fibo-der-rtd-irswp:SwapStreamInterestRateResetSchedule | a parametric schedule of reset dates |
Swap Stream Interest Rate Setting Event | fibo-der-rtd-irswp:SwapStreamInterestRateSettingEvent | an event on which an interest rate for a given swap stream is determined |
Swap Stream Interest Setting Relative Date | fibo-der-rtd-irswp:SwapStreamInterestSettingRelativeDate | a date on which an interest rate is revised is that is relative to a rate reset event |
Swap Terms | fibo-der-drc-swp:SwapTerms | the legal contractual terms of a swap transaction |
Underlier | fibo-der-drc-bsc:Underlier | the financial instrument(s), index or parameter, or combination thereof, that form the basis for the derivative instrument |
Unique Swap Identifier | fibo-der-drc-swp:UniqueSwapIdentifier | a unique swap identifier (USI) is an identifier for a swap transaction, that is the CFTC term or Unique Transaction Identifier (UTI) which is the term used more globally is an identifier on the transaction level that stays unique throughout the life of a trade |
Cash Instrument | fibo-fbc-fi-fi:CashInstrument | a financial instrument whose value is determined by the market and that is readily transferable (highly liquid) |
Commodity Instrument | fibo-fbc-fi-fi:CommodityInstrument | a financial instrument representing an ownership interest in a raw material or primary agricultural product |
Currency Instrument | fibo-fbc-fi-fi:CurrencyInstrument | a financial instrument used for the purposes of currency trading |
Debt Instrument | fibo-fbc-fi-fi:DebtInstrument | a financial instrument enables the issuing party to raise funds by accepting the obligation to repay a lender by a particular time in accordance with the terms of a contract |
Derivative Instrument | fibo-fbc-fi-fi:DerivativeInstrument | a financial instrument that confers on its holders certain rights or obligations, whose value is derived from one or more underlying assets |
Entitlement | fibo-fbc-fi-fi:Entitlement | a financial instrument that provides the holder the privilege to subscribe to or to receive specific assets on terms specified |
Equity Instrument | fibo-fbc-fi-fi:EquityInstrument | a financial instrument representing an ownership interest in an entity or pool of assets |
Financial Instrument Identifier | fibo-fbc-fi-fi:FinancialInstrumentIdentifier | an identifier for a financial instrument |
Future | fibo-fbc-fi-fi:Future | a contract that obligates the buyer to receive and the seller to deliver, in the future, the assets specified at an agreed price |
has Borrower | fibo-fbc-dae-dbt:hasBorrower | relates a contract, such as a debt instrument or credit agreement, to one or more parties that are incurring the debt |
has Call Feature | fibo-sec-dbt-dbti:hasCallFeature | indicates the specific terms related to any inherent call feature as specified in the offering |
has Interest Payment Terms | fibo-sec-dbt-dbti:hasInterestPaymentTerms | indicates the specific terms related to interest payments on the principal as specified in the instrument or a related contract document |
has Issuer | fibo-fbc-fi-fi:hasIssuer | relates an instrument to the party that issued it |
has Lender | fibo-fbc-dae-dbt:hasLender | relates a contract, such as a debt instrument or credit agreement, to one or more parties that are financing the debt |
has Offering | fibo-fbc-pas-fpas:hasOffering | relates something to a voluntary but conditional promise submitted by a buyer or seller (offeror) to another (offeree) for acceptance, and which becomes legally enforceable if accepted by the offeree |
has Principal Executive Office Address | fibo-fbc-fi-fi:hasPrincipalExecutiveOfficeAddress | relates an organization, specifically the issuer of a financial instrument, to its principal executive address, as required for issuance of that instrument |
has Redemption Provision | fibo-sec-dbt-dbti:hasRedemptionProvision | indicates the specific terms related to redemption as specified in the instrument or a related contract document |
has Repayment Terms | fibo-sec-dbt-dbti:hasRepaymentTerms | indicates the specific terms related to repayment of principal as specified in the instrument or a related contract document |
is Legally Recorded In | fibo-fbc-fi-fi:isLegallyRecordedIn | jurisdiction (country, county, state, province, city) in which the financial instrument is legally recorded for regulatory and/or tax purposes |
Jurisdiction | fibo-fnd-law-jur:Jurisdiction | the limits or territory within which authority may be exercised; the power, right, or authority to interpret and apply the law |
Negotiable Security | fibo-fbc-fi-fi:NegotiableSecurity | a security that can be transferred or delivered to another party |
Non Negotiable Security | fibo-fbc-fi-fi:NonNegotiableSecurity | a security that is not transferable to another party |
Option | fibo-fbc-fi-fi:Option | a contract that grants to the holder either the privilege to purchase or the privilege to sell the assets specified at a predetermined price or formula at or within a time in the future |
Packaged Financial Product | fibo-fbc-fi-fi:PackagedFinancialProduct | a financial product that acts as a container, or wrapper, for one or more financial instruments, including other financial products |
Securities Transaction | fibo-fbc-fi-fi:SecuritiesTransaction | a trade that represents the execution of an order to buy or sell a security |
Securities Transaction Identifier | fibo-fbc-fi-fi:SecuritiesTransactionIdentifier | an identifier for a securities transaction |
Security | fibo-fbc-fi-fi:Security | a financial instrument that can be bought or sold |
Standardized Terms | fibo-fbc-fi-fi:StandardizedTerms | a set of standardized terms, published by some body, and capable of being incorporated into a contract by agreement |
Standardized Terms Set | fibo-fbc-fi-fi:StandardizedTermsSet | a set of standardized terms, published by some body, and capable of being incorporated into a contract by agreement |
Account Holder | fibo-fbc-pas-caa:AccountHolder | a party holding an account |
Account Provider | fibo-fbc-pas-caa:AccountProvider | a party that provides and services the account |
Agreement | fibo-fnd-agr-agr:Agreement | a negotiated and usually legally enforceable understanding between two or more legally competent parties |
Beneficiary | fibo-fnd-agr-agr:Beneficiary | a party that receives some benefit or advantage or profits from something |
Commitment | fibo-fnd-agr-agr:Commitment | A legal construct which represents the undertaking on the part of some party to act or refrain from acting in some manner. |
Commitment At Large | fibo-fnd-agr-agr:CommitmentAtLarge | a commitment made by some party without direct involvement from the potential beneficiaries of that commitment |
Conditions Precedent | fibo-fnd-agr-ctr:ConditionsPrecedent | Conditions precedent on some obligation. These are conditions which would alter the Obligation as it is otherwise stated. |
confers | fibo-fnd-rel-rel:confers | grants or bestows by virtue of some authority |
Contract | fibo-fnd-agr-ctr:Contract | a voluntary, deliberate agreement between two or more competent parties to which those parties agree to be legally bound, and to which the parties must have provided valuable consideration |
Contract Counterparty | fibo-fnd-agr-ctr:ContractCounterparty | in the event that a contract identifies either party to that contract as being the principal, this is the other party to that contract |
Contract Document | fibo-fnd-agr-ctr:ContractDocument | a written document, whether physical or electronic, which sets out the formal terms and conditions of some written contract |
Contract Originator | fibo-fnd-agr-ctr:ContractOriginator | the party that originates the contract and acts as the principal in that contract regardless of the owner or counterparty |
Contract Party | fibo-fnd-agr-ctr:ContractParty | a party to the contract, that is a contractually capable person or organization which is a signatory to the contract, and which grants or concedes certain rights and obligations as defined in the contract |
Contract Principal | fibo-fnd-agr-ctr:ContractPrincipal | the party identified as being the principal or first party to a contract, in the event that the contract distinguishes any party as the principal |
Contract Terms Set | fibo-fnd-agr-ctr:ContractTermsSet | terms and conditions that define the commitment made by the contracting parties, such as rights and obligations when a contract is awarded or entered into |
Contract Third Party | fibo-fnd-agr-ctr:ContractThirdParty | someone who may be indirectly involved but is not a principal party to an arrangement, contract, deal, lawsuit, or transaction |
Contractual Commitment | fibo-fnd-agr-ctr:ContractualCommitment | terms and conditions that define the commitment made by the contracting parties, such as rights and obligations when a contract is awarded or entered into |
Contractual Definition | fibo-fnd-agr-ctr:ContractualDefinition | a contractual element that defines something in a contract or other legal instrument |
Contractual Element | fibo-fnd-agr-ctr:ContractualElement | general and special arrangements, provisions, requirements, rules, specifications, and standards that form an integral part of an agreement or contract |
Creditor | fibo-fbc-dae-dbt:Creditor | a party to whom an obligation, such as an amount of money, or good, or performance of some service exists |
Debt Terms | fibo-fbc-dae-dbt:DebtTerms | contract terms that specify the formal rights and obligations of borrower and lender under a contract in which funds are lent from the one party to the other |
Debtor | fibo-fbc-dae-dbt:Debtor | a party that owes a debt or other obligation to another party |
Equity Apportionment Terms Set | fibo-be-ptr-ptr:EquityApportionmentTermsSet | contract terms defining the apportionment of equity for some formal business organization. |
Equity Conversion Terms | fibo-sec-eq-sha:EquityConversionTerms | conversion terms specifying the details regarding conversion of shares into other securities |
General Partner | fibo-be-ptr-ptr:GeneralPartner | a partner in a partnership, who holds some part of the general partner equity and typically is jointly and severally liable with the other partners for the liabilities incurred by that partnership |
has Counterparty | fibo-fnd-agr-ctr:hasCounterparty | identifies a counterparty to a contract |
has Execution Date | fibo-fnd-agr-ctr:hasExecutionDate | the date on which a contract has been fully performed by all parties |
has Non Binding Terms | fibo-fnd-agr-ctr:hasNonBindingTerms | refers to terms that are included in the contract but are not considered binding |
has Obligation (agr) | fibo-fnd-agr-agr:hasObligation | identifies a duty or obligation that a given party has taken on |
has Principal | fibo-fnd-agr-ctr:hasPrincipal | identifies the main or principal party to a contract |
has Terms | fibo-fnd-agr-ctr:hasTerms | identifies the written terms which define and describe the commitments, rights and obligations of the parties to the contract and set out commonly agreed definitions, calculations and the like, and which form part of the contract |
has Third Party | fibo-fnd-agr-ctr:hasThirdParty | identifies a party which is not signatory to the party but has some role in the overall context defined by the contract. |
Individual Unilateral Commitment | fibo-fnd-agr-agr:IndividualUnilateralCommitment | a commitment made by some party unilaterally to another specific party |
Liability Apportionment Terms Set | fibo-be-ptr-ptr:LiabilityApportionmentTermsSet | terms defining the apportionment of liabilities accrued by some formal business organization. |
Limited Partner | fibo-be-ptr-ptr:LimitedPartner | a partner whose liabilities are limited to the extent of their equity holding or guarantees |
Mutual Agreement | fibo-fnd-agr-agr:MutualAgreement | an agreement between two or more specific named parties. The rights and obligations pertaining to either party cannot be transferred to another party without prior agreement |
Mutual Commitment | fibo-fnd-agr-agr:MutualCommitment | A commitment between two or more parties |
Mutual Contractual Agreement | fibo-fnd-agr-ctr:MutualContractualAgreement | a contract between two or more specific named parties; the rights and obligations pertaining to either party cannot be transferred to another party without prior written permission or a change to the contract itself |
Non Binding Terms | fibo-fnd-agr-ctr:NonBindingTerms | contractual commitments that do not have binding legal standing on the issuer or holder |
Non Binding Terms Set | fibo-fnd-agr-ctr:NonBindingTermsSet | terms that do not have binding legal standing on the issuer or holder |
Obligee | fibo-fnd-agr-agr:Obligee | a party to whom some commitment or obligation is owed, either legally or per the terms of an agreement |
Obligor | fibo-fnd-agr-agr:Obligor | a party that is bound legally or by agreement to repay a debt, make a payment, do something, or refrain from doing something |
Payer | fibo-fnd-pas-psch:Payer | a party who pays a bill or fees, or who makes payments to a payee in partial or complete fulfillment of an obligation |
Payment Obligation | fibo-fnd-pas-psch:PaymentObligation | a legally enforceable duty to pay a sum of money, or agree to do something (or not to do something), according to the terms stated in a contract |
Policyholder | fibo-fbc-dae-gty:Policyholder | a counterparty to and typically owner of an insurance policy; an insured party |
Promissory Note | fibo-fnd-agr-ctr:PromissoryNote | a promissory note is a written, signed, unconditional, and unsecured promise by one party (the maker or promisor) to another (the payee or promisee) that commits the maker to pay a specified sum on demand, or on a fixed or a determinable date |
qualifies | fibo-fnd-agr-ctr:qualifies | limits, constrains or refines |
Registered Agent | fibo-fbc-pas-fpas:RegisteredAgent | a legal agent designated by another party (person or organization), to represent and acts on their behalf under a formal agency agreement |
Relationship Qualifier | fibo-be-le-lei:RelationshipQualifier | a classifier that qualifies something about the relationship between consolidated entities during the reporting period, such as the accounting framework used |
Service Provider | fibo-fnd-pas-pas:ServiceProvider | a party that provides and typically provisions professional services, such as consulting, financial, legal, real estate, education, communications, storage, or processing services, to other parties, typically defined in a service agreement |
Settlement Terms | fibo-fbc-pas-fpas:SettlementTerms | contract terms that define the commitment to and mechanism for settling one or more sides of a transaction |
Transferable Contract | fibo-fnd-agr-ctr:TransferableContract | a contract in which the rights and obligations of one party (the holder) may be transferred to another party, which thereby takes on the same rights and obligations with respect to the other party to the contract |
Transferable Contract Holder | fibo-fnd-agr-ctr:TransferableContractHolder | a party that holds a transferable contract and enjoys the benefits defined in that contract while they hold it |
Unilateral Commitment | fibo-fnd-agr-agr:UnilateralCommitment | A commitment made by one party without reference to the party to which the commitment is made. |
Unilateral Contract | fibo-fnd-agr-ctr:UnilateralContract | a contract in which only one party makes an express promise, or undertakes a performance without first securing a reciprocal agreement from the other party |
Verbal Contract | fibo-fnd-agr-ctr:VerbalContract | a contract that exists as a result of some verbal exchange |
Written Contract | fibo-fnd-agr-ctr:WrittenContract | a formal contract that is written and signed by the parties thereto |