Ontology directory, files and prefixes

Files are Ontology Web Language in TTL (turtle) notation.

The base directory is https://hedgefundontology.com/hfr/. Below is a list of Ontology files on this site. Right-click on the filename to download or copy the link into your ontology editor.

./Hedge_Fund_Reasoning.ttlhfr-fund-reasThe ontologies in the data directory have only instances. The SEC example is for SMITH RELATED EXAMPLE CORP, Chairman John Smith. PFRD_Example_PF.ttl includes the sample files for SMITH initial, updating, amending, transition, and final filings.
data/PFRD_Example_PF.ttlpfrd-sampHedge Fund-specific financial reference data.
 PrivateFundSampleData.ttlhfr-samp-dataAn ontololgy with example instances of fictitious Vermont hedge funds.
form/PFFormFiling.ttlpfrd_secAn OWL representation of the Private Fund Form Filing XML schema.
ref/Hedge_Fund_Financial_Reference.ttlhfr-fin-refHedge Fund specific financial reference data.
 Hedge_Fund_Legal_Reference.ttlhfr-leg-refThe ontology defines legal classes and properties for Hedge Funds.
rule/Rules_Investment_Adviser_Act_Private_Fund.ttlhfr-rule-iaaDefined classes and SPARQL rules to implement filing requirements for Hedge Funds under the Investment Adviser Act.

The swim lane diagram shows the include tree for Hedge Fund Reasoning.

To the left are the Ontology Layers.

  1. An upper ontology (aka top-level ontology or foundation ontology) is an ontology that describes very general concepts that are the same across all knowledge domains. Well-known core ontologies are BFO, GFO, DOLCE, SUMO, and Dublin Core. (Wikipedia)
    FIBO and LKIF don’t import Upper Ontologies. They define general concepts like dates, relationships, and roles themselves.
  2. The goal of a core ontology is to provide a global and extensible model into which data originating from distinct sources can be mapped and integrated. (Doerr, Hunter, Lagoze)
    The core ontology applies to a specific domain, such as biology, medical, Legal, and Finance. LIKIF and FIBO cover both the Upper and Core ontology layers. The Financial Regulation Ontology aligns and extends the Legal and Finance reference ontologies; thus, FinRegOnt is in the Core Layer.
  3. The Operational Ontology implements a core ontology and is specific enough to hold source data. Both Fund and Hedge Fund Regulation are operational ontologies for the finance sub-domain of investment management. The Hedge Fund Regulation ontology is a specialization of the Fund Regulation Ontology.
Hedge Fund Reasoning ontology includes

The boxes in the diagram depict the prefix of the ontology files (graphs).

  • hfr-* Hedge Fund Regulation ontology files
  • pfrd-* Private Fund Registration Depository – the ontology files related to Form PF.
  • fr-* Fund Regulation ontology files
  • iapd-* Investment Adviser Public Disclosure – the ontology files for the Compilation Report and Form ADV
  • cfr-* Code of Federal Regulations – text of CFR pertaining to the Investment Adviser Act
  • usc-* United States Code – text of the laws
  • fro-* Financial Regulation Ontology
  • lkif-* Legal Knowledge Interchange Format
  • fibo-* Financial Industry Business Ontology

The arrows denote an include. Hedge Fund Reasoning ontology, is at the bottom left. It imports the rules ontology hfr-rule-iaa.